Students   Real  Stories

Natural Healing . Rejuvenation . Special Abilities . Enlightenment
Many more miracle stories occurred, but due to limited space, we've only included a selection here.
To you, who have been outstanding, persistently supporting and promoting the truth and value of Qinway for a long time, the earth will shine and be forever praised and recorded because you have promoted the Akashic truth. 致优秀的、长期坚持弘扬Qinway 中的真理含金量的你,地球会因你弘扬了阿卡西真理而发光,而永被咏叹与记录!
Qinway accepts outstanding students with special talents, who can join the Qinway volunteer team and gain more opportunities to learn from the Grandmaster. Your greatest merit is the success of helping others. If you successfully recommend your great experience to friends and family, guiding them to participate in the 3.3D retreat—an experience that has no side effects from any medication and offers multiple benefits—once they register for the 3.3D retreat, you will not only receive the blessing of the three high spiritual systems of Qinway, but you may also be eligible for a discount on your own retreat fees. Qinway接受优秀学员并有特长的,进入Qinway义工团队并获得更多机会向师父学习请教,而你的最大功德就是度人的成功,你能把你的great experience成功推荐亲朋好友,送上3.3D retreat这种不但无任何药物副作用,更可获多重受益的亲朋好友,在他们进行了报名注册3.3D retreat后,你不仅可获Qinway 三大高灵系统的信号加持,也可酌情减免你回炉retreat的费用
Qigong Video

Shirley K
Lily Liu

Before                   After

True Story for Billy

Lily Liu

Before                   After
Retreat March 2010

Before                   After

Before                   After

        Paul Fletcher   
"Immortal Bigu over 3 Years!"
"I have developed lots of
special abilities! "
Qigong John
"Qinway developed my special
abilities and healing practice!"
Mayra D
" A Miraculous Healing Journey of Pain Free

The following authentic testimonials are organized by disease categories or areas of benefit for your reference.
They represent only a portion of the testimonies we've received and may not include the most recent cases.

Back Pain


The gift that the Qinway retreat gave me is to be able to lead my active life without caffeine! I really never thought it possible. (Terri, Hawaii)

The first few days (of Qinway Bigu) were difficult. I had a lot of cravings, then I could feel the void created by less food was being filled with beautiful Qi. A priceless experience. On the 5th day I felt a level of well-being that I had not experienced since my youth. (Christine, Berkeley, CA)

I smoked cannibis as a medicine and for personal pleasure for many years, no use for it at this time, with no withdrawal symptoms and minimal cravings . (S. A., Angels Camp, CA)

Allergy (Top)

I can see that Qinway retreat truly leads to great improvement in my body. I can concentrate much better and my allergies are going away. (C. N., Rancho Santa Margarita, CA)

Since learning Qinway program, my hay fever has got much better. Now it doesn't bother me anymore unless I get too busy and neglect practicing Qinway Exercise. And I won't catch cold as much as before. (Lavinia, Fremont, CA)

My nasal allergy has already cured. That mean is I don't need Nasal Decongestant anymore. I have suffered for nasal congesting for 7 years. (Mary, Fremont, CA)

This is the most amazing thing! I have not had any allergy symptoms since I began this Qinway retreat-- I have monitored myself carefully to make sure I wasn't imagining it! I have suffered from sinus problems and itching eyes all my life and have been diagnosed via allergy testing with allergies to tree and weed pollens, dusts, molds, cats and dogs. We have 2 dogs and a cat by the way. This is a very pleasant surprise! (Susan, San Leandro, CA)

Arthritis (Top)

As to the first three or four days of the Qinway bigu (energized-fasting) - I felt quite weak and nervous, and actually fearful due to worry about going off of all the medicines which I had taken for so many years. I had rashes, heat flashes, nausea, and weakness which made even simple walking an effort. I was not hungry at all - Indeed, food was of no concern. After about the fourth day, I started to recover my energy and was surprised to notice that I was not suffering from any arthritis pain and other stiffness which had troubled me constantly for the past several years. I also had no headaches-something I had experienced almost daily for a number of decades. (Sarah, Carlsbad, CA)


I have had no symptoms from my asthma in some time. I believe that vital qi is attacking my back and lungs and I often cough. However, I do not feel ill. People continue to comment on my glowing appearance! (J. W., Temple City, CA)

Autism (Top)

My brother (who was born autistic) is doing Qinway Bigu. He eats some fruits throughout the day. My family and I are extremely happy and excited to see a dramatic change in my brother. His behavior is much better and he seems very happy. Whenever we do the exercises, he sits in the middle to absorb qi. He has been urinating a lot all week but no bowel movements until yesterday. Yesterday, when he went to the restroom, he discharged a huge amount of very very dark, smelly old aged stool! I am so happy to see that. I know the process may take long but I am sure it will be successful. I am just absolutely amazed to see my brother do Qinway Exercise fast for so long, he usually eats a lot and I am just as amazed at your incredible qi power.

I noticed many physical changes for my brother. He is gaining a little more weight, he used to be very underweight , no matter how much he eats. His ribs used to be very visible and his face quite skinny. Now he is much fuller and he seems healthier. His hair is growing and his face seems very cognizant. He tries to talk much more and seems happier. We truly appreciate all of your help for him and we hope he may get a chance to become somewhat normal like us. It would be an extraordinary blessing for him. Thank you so much Grandmaster Qin for your help. (N. P., Rancho Santa Margarita, CA)

Back Pain (Top)

I was 68 years old this year. For years, I was bothered by my bad back. I wasn't able to bend over to do exercises the first two days in the Qinway retreat. But on the third day, my back pain was totally gone. Now I have remained pain free for a few months. (Eveline, Mountain View, CA)

When I first started taking the retreat I could not even bend over when we started doing the Qinway exercises. My back was hurting and I was very stiff. I was a little bit overweight, but I didn't know how to lose some weight. I have been fasting 11 days, lost 20 pounds and my back pain was gone, I felt great! I have been cooking all day, and I still have a lot of energy left. (Eveline, Mountain View, CA)


qigong lynne before

qigong lynne now

My Impressive Rejuvenation through Qinway Bigu over 100 Days (right pictures)
- Lynne, Encinitas, CA

Unexpectedly, I lost 9 pounds in 5 days, the scar in my back became much smaller, and even my skin is obviously smoother. (S. W., Mountain View, CA)

Also I have noticed some of my skin tags lipomas (like little warts) starting to disappear (a few days after attending the Retreat). (Judy, Santa Cruz, CA)

Today I stop the Qinway Bigu that ends my 11 day Bigu. In general I am feeling fine. I notice that my eyesight improves a little bit, and my skin is brighter. (Tuan, Sunnyvale, CA)

Some of my acne went awayafter Grandmaster Qin's remote healing. (Phillip, Brooklyn, NY)

I am pleased to share that already friends have given me favorable comments on my appearance and demeanor (nice to hear these). (S. A., Angels Camp, CA)

Bigu (Energized Fasting) (Top)

Qigong saved life In my whole life, I've never tried fasting. It would have been unthinkable for me to continuously fast for 21 days and rely on just one apple, yet I did it. In the past I felt I couldn't survive if I missed just one single meal. So this Qinway bigu experience was a great achievement for me...I often tell my family that Qinway retreat has saved my life. Without Qinway program, I would have passed away long time ago. (Yiping, Seattle, CA) 

I realize that before the retreat, I had absolutely no understanding of what a Qinway Bigu was, or the wide range of benefits a Bigu can provide. Basically I saw it as someone trying to lose weight rapidly, or a health fanatic trying some strange juice diet to detoxify or a sacrificial martyr type of religious practice. The few people I knew who had done a fast looked terrible at the end of it and had poor energy. But when I came off of this Bigu, my energy was good, I felt strong and again people made comments about me looking young . I have gained an increased awareness and understanding of the relationship of universal Qi with the body, the importance of fresh food along with the volume of food, the importance of detoxifying the body and how it affects more than just the physical body, the importance of detoxification coupled with energy infusion and how a Qinway Bigu can be used as a tool in religious practices. (L. B., Sacramento, CA) 

The Bigu was really a wonderful experience for me. Years ago I used to fast regularly and what I found so outstanding was how much energy I got from Grandmaster Qin. Some times, especially after the meditations, I would really be humming. (G. H., San Anselmo, CA)

I didn’t feel hungry at all and my energy level was high (during the bigu energized fasting process). (S. Z., Chicago, 16 year old)

Qin Way to Health and Rejuvenation (Qinway Program) (published in the Qi Journal )

Breathing (Top)

I lost 9 pounds in just 8 days and I am very happy that the wrinkles around my eyes are disappearing. I am able to breathe a lot easier and am no longer snoring at night. I highly recommend this program to anyone interested in improving their health and quality of life. (E.H., VP Sales, HealthCare Industry)

Cancer or Tumor (Top)

Qigong Goes to Battle: Winning the Fight against Cancer (published in the Kungfu Magazine ) [video]

Since takinging the Qinway retreat, I spontaneously suspended eating for many days and began to discharge black stinking stools. Meanwhile my body seemed to be lighter and I was more energetic than before. I had long been distressed by severe heart disease, chronic kidney infection, and uterus tumor. These diseases vanished rather rapidly during my fasting, and more miraculously, the uterus tumor fell out while I was in the bathroom! I was overjoyed. My weight was reduced by about 30 pounds and I was often told that I was twenty years younger. (Z. J., Beijing)

I'm 69 years of age and in April 2003 I was diagnosed with cancer of the prostate . A cancer treatment was started in preparation for surgery. However as a gift, my daughter paid for me to join Grandmaster Qin's Retreat. In this way, I was acquainted with Grandmaster Qin. After the retreat and following the Qinway method, I lost 35 pounds, and I could wear clothes from 5-10 years ago. Moreover, through the Energetic Fasting Healing practice I got so much energy that I did go to the health spa to do exercises, to run and to lift weights. I'm sure that Qinway Bigu, had a major part in helping me accomplish this. Finally, on June 24th, 2004 (two months after the retreat), my doctor did another set of biopsies on my prostate and no cancer could be found; the area where the previous cancer was, showed only atypical cells while the rest of the biopsies showed normal prostatic tissue: since no traces of cancer was found, my urologist told me "this finding is quite unusual; we do not know the meaning of it". (G. B., Laguna Niguel, CA)

Qinway Program's Strength (how a lady with breast cancer became a Qinway instructor)

Depression (Top)

In Germany about two years ago, I got very sick. I had severe depression and a breakdown of my whole body and vitality. I looked for many doctors for help, but nobody really could help me. I have a friend in America. He told me I should come to Grandmaster Qin's Retreat. I didn't know anything about this before. Although I had a really weak body, when I did the class with Grandmaster Qin, it started to flow energy during exercises. I felt more energy coming in my body, esp. some light energy coming in my crown and trying to dissolve the negative energy in me. Before, my body and my heart felt dark, just dark. Now after Qinway retreat, the darkness is getting less, more energy comes, and my mind is bright . (Beate, Germany)


During the Qinway exercise of High Pressure Detox, a lot of things in my body were broken loose. I had five bowel movements during the retreat, and they were sort of dark and hard. I had some broken ribs before. When doing Spontaneous Adjustments, I felt that area was moving and cracking a lot. (Susan, Cupertino, CA)

(Discharging old-aged stool) The stools that I discharged were very dark and sticky. They smelled very badly. I had this kind of stools every day for several days and felt lighter and unburdened. (Jinlin)

(Vomit) Although I ate very lightly on the day before the retreat, during the retreat I suddenly threw out a lot of stuff. Afterwards I felt very comfortable, as if I had got rid of a lot of toxins and waste materials. (Haiguan)

(Discharging stones) I had gall stones before. During the fast following the retreat, I found stones discharged in my stools. (Andrew)

(Cancer falling out) I had suffered for a long time from severe heart disease, chronic nephritis, and uterus muscle cancer. These diseases vanished rather rapidly after I practiced Qinway Exercise. More miraculously, my cancer even fell down in my bathroom. I was overjoyed. (Jin)

(Urination) Usually when I drank a lot, my urine became clear, but during the detoxification period, my urine stayed yellow and had a strange odor. (Liberty)

(Sweat) I used to sweat very little, but during the exercises I sweated a lot. (Lee)

(Tears) Every time I do the exercises, tears come to my two eyes. I felt my eyes were nourished and dirty material washed away. (Lisa)

(Wet soles) I had severe rheumatism and my limbs were so deformed that I had long been forced to stay in bed all day long. After Grandmaster Qin's treatment, I found that the soles of my feet were very wet. To my amazement, a small pond of water was in my shoes. In less than an hour after her treatment, I was able to walk, even run, on my own feet! (Peizeng)

(Releasing materials from sinuses and lungs) Lots of stuff has been released from my sinuses and lungs during bigu. (Bill)

(Foul-smelling mouth) On the third day of Qinway Bigu, my mouth smelled badly. My wife asked me to brush my teeth. I said I had already done it. She insisted that I do it again with special mouthwash that doctors use. When I used my hand to scrape something out of my mouth, it smelled like stool. (Andrew)

(Foul-smelling feet) After a few days of bigu, whenever I meditated I could smell foul air coming from the soles of my feet. (Lan)

(Foul smells coming from the body) When I first practiced Qinway Exercise, my body often released an unpleasant smell. After practicing for some time, this smell vanished and sometimes I could even notice a light fragrance. (Xin)

(Overwhelming Coldness) Because a lot of cold Qi accumulated in my body, I felt cold all over during the retreat, even though I put on two pairs of thick socks and a heavy coat and covered myself with a big quilt. The heat was on, and my classmates felt too warm. Apparently, this coldness came from inside. (Lin)

(Sudden appearance of speckles on skin) On the second day of my bigu, a spot appeared in my face. It disappeared on the following day. I think this is a manifestation of the internal toxins in my body. (Wu)

(Itching) During the Retreat, I had a lot of itching. (Alexandria)

(Coated Tongue) I really felt very clean. My energy was clean, and my body was clean. I noticed that my tongue started to coat, and the ridges of my tongue started to have sores, and after a while they went away. (Patricia)

Diabetes (Top)

qigong lani Reclaiming My Health from A Rare Diabetes through Qinway Retreat (published in the Kungfu Magazine) [video]

I have had diabetes and high blood sugar for many years. When I was attending Grandmaster Qin's Retreat, I brought my blood measuring machine with me. Surprisingly, I wasn't hungry during my Qinway Bigu for 11 days, and my blood sugar returned normal. (Y. H., San Francisco, CA)

Because of my diabetes, I used to eat many meals every day. I just got hungry all the time. Amazingly, I wasn't hungry at Grandmaster Qin's Retreat. My blood sugar returned to normal in a short time. Whenever I drive, I can now stay at the straight center of a lane without bumping into edges. (D.E., Santa Cruz, CA)

I had been taking oral medications to control my blood sugar, which used to range between 200-270. After 4 days of the Energized fasting, my blood sugar read around 122-144 and I lost 10-12 lbs which is the ideal weight per Doctor's instruction. I slept well and felt good during the Qinway bigu. (R. L., 61 years old, Los Altos, CA)

My blood sugar has been normal and I am taking no medication. I was taking 850 mgs of metformin twice a day. I am off all medication except Zestril and aspirin which I take for blood pressure. (Susan, San Leandro, CA)

I received amazing results from the retreat. My diabetes was healed such that my blood pressure and sugar level all returned to normal without any medication! I was so happy that I brought my family (my 76-year-old mother, my wife, a 12-year-old son and a 6-year-old son, see right picture) to Qinway Institute to attend the entire Retreat. I couldn't think of any other better gift for them. (E. P., Hondulas)

Diet (Top)

After practicing Qinway Exercise a period of time, I lost more than 10 pounds. Now I don't need to eat as much as before yet I'm even more energetic. I feel really great. (Huang, Fremont, CA)

I think I changed my diet and my eating habit just naturally occurring. I don't need to eat as much. It made me aware that I need to change my diet also. (Joe, San Jose, CA)

The one thing that the Qinway Bigu has helped me do is change my diet. I am eating more vegetables and less meat. For example my lunch is usually a salad, apple and some nuts. Surprisingly that fills me up for the rest of the working hours. (T. S., Tennessee)

Digestion (Top)

My digestive problems disappeared as soon as I stopped stuffing myself (during the Qinway Bigu). (K. E., Alameda, CA)

I used to have indigestion. My bowel movements happened four times a day and always contained things that were not digested. Now my bowel movements are normal and the stools on longer contain anything undigested. (Yiping, Seattle, CA)

I just noticed that my digestive system changed a lot after Qinway bigu. Pain, stomach acid and bloating disappeared and I did not need to take medicine to control those symptoms. Since then, my health condition has gotten much better than before. From all those positive changes, I realized the benefits of bigu are not only that it significantly reduces body weight, but it gradually increases long term health condition. Bigu gave me lifetime of benefits. (Shirley, Milpitas, CA)


After doing Qinway bigu for a few days, I discharged a large amount of smelly old-aged stools, and felt greatly relieved. The pain at my side also disappeared. ... I noticed that my edema has gone down during this 11 day bigu. (Eveline, Mountain View, CA) 

Emotion (Top)

It's Friday morning. What a wonderful day. I cannot tell you how much differently David and I have been feeling since beginning this retreat program. It is beautiful. More strength and energy, placid mental state, joyous feeling, and much love is flowing between us . (David and Brenda, Los Angeles, CA)

I was truly amazed how calm I was, because it was a hectic day. (Patricia, Martinez, CA)

My cognition in general is quicker, lighter and those former brief lapses of memory are occurring less often. I am also able to control or neutralize negative emotions easier . (R.D., Idaho)


I said ok! It is my turn to take the Retreat - An interview with student Tammy

I feel so much more energy than when I arrived here. (M. A., Mountain View, CA)

My injured foot was very cold at beginning, after exercises was much warmer. (D. H., Santa Cruz, CA)

I felt stronger energy at this Qinway workshop than anywhere else I've ever been. The energy that I normally feel took on different properties. (L. G., Oklahoma City, OK)

I feel good, happy and love life. Whenever I feel tired, I do the Qinway exercises and feel much better. (X. V., 70 year old, Rancho Santa Margarita, CA)

In a retreat presented by Grandmaster Qin, I received a high energy ball sent by Grandmaster Qin. This ball popped up and down in my hands to make them feel tingled and hot as if impaled by pins and needles. And I felt some cold Qi leave me from the bottom of my feet. (Z. S., Beijing)

(During the retreat) I got very high for morning exercises, and saw colored lights during one exercise - violet light! I felt very peaceful. (Cheri, Escondido, CA)

I have improved my energy level greatly. Without bigu and Qinway Exercise I would not be able to help my sister-in-law with her doctor appointments, her domestic needs, and deal with all the legal matters around her disabled son. (E. C., San Francisco)

Three weeks ago my energy level was increased to the point where joining an exercise club seemed feasible. It has been years since I had that kind of energy and motivation. So now I am working out four days a week and have very good energy - not as much as when I first recovered from the initial effects of the Qinway bigu - but much more than I would have thought possible. It is now over a month since I have taken any medication of any kind. (Sarah, Carlsbad, CA)

I know my overall available energy is increasing because now I can walk BRISKLY without tiring or breathing heavy whereas before I had to walk slowly to not tire. (R.D., Idaho)

I have improved my energy level greatly. Without bigu and Qinway Retreat, I would not be able to help my sister-in-law with her doctor appointments, her domestic needs, and deal with all the legal matters around her disabled son. I believe I started at 123-125 lbs on 10/10 and now I am 113-115 lbs. I feel like I am living on Qi only. I do get tired during the day and after I do Qinway exercise I feel revitalized. I know my sisters, sister-in-laws, and nieces would all benefit from a retreat like mine. (Etai, San Francisco)

Eye (Top)

Qigong Margaret Then
Qigong Margaret Now

In March of 2003 I experienced a stroke. My daughter Tammy and my niece Stephanie took me to Grandmaster Qin. I went to the retreat and did the Qinway bigu for 70 days. I lost 30 pounds and was able to stop taking prescription eye drops for glaucoma. I saw my eye doctor in July, 2003 and was told I now have 20/20 vision, all my tests indicated healthy eyes . I remain currently not in need of my prescription eye drops. I plan to continue the bigu for several days monthly. My neighbors have complimented me on how great I look and some didn't even recognize the new me. (Margaret, San Dimas, CA, right picture)

My right eye almost couldn't see before the retreat. After Grandmaster Qin worked on me, it definitely improved. (Simcha, Del Mar, CA)

After being treated by Grandmaster Qin at Chinese Minorities University on April 20, 1996, both of my eyesight improved from 0.7 to 1.5 on the spot. As I continued to practice Qinway Exercise and follow Grandmaster Qin's instructions, my eyesight stabilized at that level ever since then. (G. R., high school student, Beijing)

My head felt very clear and the irritation in my eyes was relieved by doing the Qinway exercises in the introductory workshop the first time. (D. P., San Jose, CA)

I am very happy that my eyes are getting better and I can read without my glasses after the Qinway retreat. (X. V., 70 years old, Rancho Santa Margarita, CA)

I experienced 20 days of Qinway bigu, which I would never dreamed that I could do it by myself. I lost 10 pounds in less than 10 days and stay on it afterward. I feel young and look younger too. People saw me two weeks ago were so surprised by my change, they all said that I looked at least 10 years younger. And my eyes are no longer afraid of Sun light, I can go out without a sunglass in noon time without feeling uncomfortable, the last time I felt that way must be 20 years ago . (K. H., Oceanside, CA)

Fatigue (Top)

I went for a long walk that instant and felt wonderfully clear, strong and young. This was a big deal for me because as you know I had very low physical energy from chronic fatigue. In fact I feel my physical energy has increased a lot, as I'm now able to go on walks for 1/2 hour and more , whereas when I started the first week of Bigu I couldn't walk one block without being exhausted. (R. D., Idaho)

Female System (Top)

Female System Recovered I used to have prolapse of uterus problem for a long time. I had seen many doctors but the problem could not be solved. When we heard the Qinway program in 1999, we went to visit the place where we met Grandmaster Qin. After atending several seminars, we decided to try it out. Instructed by Grandmaster Qin, I started learning and practicing Qinway Exercise. After the first retreat, I noticed that my uterus moved up to its normal position. My health condition has improved significantly. (L. Z., Cupertino, CA)

I no longer have the swooning episodes and stomachaches I was experiencing, and I feel energetic throughout my body. I believe this is due to the detoxification. Also I used to have many women's diseases. My doctors said that I had potential cancers in my body which would eventually materialize during my lifetime. In fact, the doctors recommended preventive surgery. I didn't like this option so I started looking for other ways to heal and strengthen myself. I decided to take Qinway retreat and its detoxification process. This is the best approach to self-healing I could find. (X. H., San Rafael, CA)

I can see that the retreat truly leads to great improvement in my body. I can concentrate much better and my allergies are going away. I feel really good overall. When I sleep, I can feel the qi attacking the diseased areas in my body. Because of this, my sleep has been somewhat unrestful but the result is that some of my symptoms are healed. The pain in my sides is going away and I no longer need to drink the hormone replacement yet I do not get hot flashes . (C. N., Rancho Margarita, CA)

Good news: cramps are gone and no more nausea at the moment, which I've had for past 3 days per premenstrual. (Saraswati, New Mexico)

Have noticed doubt and toxic mind highest when fatigued. Past life clearing occurred on 11/20/01. I discharged very smelly stools during Qinway bigu, and had burning uterus (ovaries - uterus imbalance before retreat). (Laurel, San Jose, CA)

I used to bleed too much during menstruation. After attending Grandmaster Qin's Retreat, my period gets much easier. (Lavinia, Fremont, CA)

This month my period felt wonderful, very healthy, as though the entire process had been rejuvenated. Hard to explain how light I felt. (R.D., Idaho)

Foot (Top)

I went to the retreat for an inflammation in the ball of my foot. Since then, my doctor has been able to make adjustments in my foot that he had not been able to for the past year. (Christi, Corona, CA)

Hair (Top)

Hair Turned Black My hair, beard, and mustache are regaining its black color. I noticed that on the 7th day after starting the retreat. The color increased with days. I am attaching 2 pictures of my hair; one on the 7th day, the other on the 13th (see right pictures). Unfortunately I don't have before and after pictures. Yet you could see a difference. (Elias, CA)

I know that my body is rejuvenating. I see my hair is starting to grow back in dark, in the front and some in the back. The top of my head is slowly starting to generate hairs again. It is just an automatic byproduct of the Qinway exercises. (Ron, Canoga Park, CA)

I noticed that my hair recently grown is mostly black in color instead of all white. I am very happy about this unexpected effect. But I remember that Mater Qinyin did write down four Chinese characters for "rejuvenation". So it is what Grandmaster Qin predicted. Thank you so much! (J. Z., Chicago)

Headache (Top)

My recurrent headache had often made my research project delayed and sometimes I had to take some pain-killer in order to restore myself. But after my wife took one individually-specific energized object back from Grandmaster Qin and I applied it to my head, my long lasting history of headache ended . I became energetic and mentally clear to carry out my research. (L. S., South Korea)

I haven't had any coffee all day and I don't have a migraine headache! Coffee is a very strong addiction for me, and I usually get debilitating headaches if I don't have it. (T.F., Campbell, CA)

This morning I got a severe headache, almost could not sustain. But between the exercises, I felt much better and the headache was gone almost instantly . I am glad that I joined this retreat. I will definitely refer it to anyone. (W. L., San Francisco, CA)

I feel much better since my first retreat. My headaches have mostly gone away and I have more energy and happiness. (Rachel, Santa Cruz, CA)

Heart (Top)

Since taking the Qinway retreat, I spontaneously suspended eating for many days and began to discharge black stinking stools. Meanwhile my body seemed to be lighter and I was more energetic than before. I has long been distressed by severe heart disease , chronic kidney infection, and uterus tumor. These diseases vanished rather rapidly during my Bigu, and more miraculously, the uterus tumor even fell out in my bathroom. I was overjoyed. My weight was reduced by about 30 pounds and I was often told that I was twenty years younger. (Z. J., Beijing)

Weighing 170 pounds, I used to worry about my obesity. I had tried various types of weight reducing medicine without success. In September 1996, in Grandmaster Qin's class, my weight was miraculously reduced by 5 pounds in 3 hours. I did energized-fasting, and my weight dropped by 30 pounds in just a week. My heart disease disappeared and I felt myself revitalized . (Ms. Wu, Beijing)

I had severe heart disease and other several illnesses. When Grandmaster Qin taught Qinway Exercise to us, I felt my two legs were as heavy as two big stones and I was unable to move for quite a while. To my surprise, I was really fixed, feeling relaxed and comfortable all over my body afterwards. Thereafter, my diseases were largely relieved. (J. W., Beijing)

Hypertension (Top)

After practicing Qinway Exercise for 10 days, my blood pressure and blood sugar levels returned to normal without medication . I lost 10 pounds and feel less bloated and constricted. (D. E., Santa Cruz, CA)

I was amazed at the fact that I could do Qinway Bigu for so many days. Before when I do no take medication for blood pressure, I feel very dizzy but for the past few days there has been no problem. (X. P., Rancho Santa Margarita, CA)

Intestines (Top)

A few days after the Retreat, I discharged terrible smelling old stools from my intestines. I was glad that nobody was in my house on that day. (Eveline, Mountain View, CA)


Although I had a difficult time while detoxifying, as I continue the practice and get stronger, the pains and difficulties have gone or improved. My knee was very painful and now I have no pain . (T. F., Campbell, CA)

I was much more obese previously, looking like a pregnant woman. After attending the Retreat, I continuously fasted for 10 days with no feeling of hunger and lost 18 pounds. My high blood pressure and blood sugar all recovered. I had serious knee arthritis, which would have to be replaced by an artificial one according to doctors. Now amazingly I can practice low stance standing post for half an hour . (Y. H., San Francisco, CA)

Hip Leg Improved I think my hip and my left leg from football injury is starting to stabilize and a lot of changes are happening in that area. I think there is a lot of hope for improvement, which otherwise medical advice has informed me to just get a hip replacement, but I don't feel like it is necessary. It is improving month by month. I also experienced accelerated capacity to have more energy in my body. (Joe, San Jose, CA) [video]

The most exciting result for me was the reduction of the puff balls on each side of both of my ankles. They have been large and swollen for years. The condition is now measurably reduced much to my amazement. Although I did not really release pounds on the scale I feel less bulky in my body, I feel sure the weight loss will follow in time with the change in diet and exercise. (F. B., Temecula, CA)

Qi is attacking my joints and my emotions. However, the healing techniques we learned while there are a big help with the painful joints (especially the Wu Ji needle). (J. W., Temple, CA)

Leg (Top)

Regarding my health, my legs improved substantially just with the few days I followed the Qinway Bigu regimen . Also, I felt much better. I wasn't tired and I had plenty of energy for my work. (K.E., Alameda, CA)

My injured foot was very cold at beginning, after exercises it was much warmer. (D.H., Santa Cruz, CA)

Leukemia (Top)

I was diagnosed with CLL (Chronic Lumphocytic Leukemia, Stage 4) before I attended the retreat. During the retreat, I lost 3-4 lbs and I didn't feel very hungry. I passed some gas and smelly sweat. My hands are pinker and I feel lighter. The first 3 days fasting after the Retreat, my most comfortable feeling is that I have regained a large amount of flexibility in my joints and am much more enthusiastic about life, even while I am at work. (S. F., San Mateo, CA)

Lung (Top)

Qinway Bigu was good. I like the "clear" feeling I get, especially in my lungs, when I am "on" or "in" bigu. It really feels like I can breathe more easily and deeply. (L. J., Santa Rosa)


In the past, I tried to practice sitting in the lotus position, but it was as painful as a physical punishment. After learning Qinway Exercise, I was able to easily sit in the half lotus position after five days practice. (Yiping, Seattle, CA)

I've always wanted to learn meditation and I find that I can concentrate much easier. (X. V., 70 year old, Rancho Santa Margarita, CA)

I have lost more than 20 - 30 pounds since I first began Qinway Bigu. I was able to meditate in Full Lotus for the first time in my life. I felt vital qi going up and down my spine and flowing in my body. (C. R., Cupertino, CA)

I could stay in no-thought for quite a while , which is usually very hard for me. I also feel lighter. (Margaret, Menlo Park, CA)

The degree of profound relaxation I was able to achieve. How relaxed, full and complete my breathing was. (Bob)

I felt beautiful Qinway Exercise energy today. Tonight when I sat to meditate my mind was more quiet than I can ever remember it being. So with great spiritual help it seems that this time which is difficult personally is also an opportunity to make some welcome progress in my practice. Thank you to Qinway Exercise, and all the wonderful buddhas and boddhisatvas! (M.G.)

Overweight or Obesity (Top)

Weighing 170 pounds, I used to worry about my obesity. I had tried various types of weight reducing medicine without success. In September 1996, in Grandmaster Qin's class, my weight was miraculously reduced by 5 pounds in 3 hours. I did Qinway Bigu, and my weight dropped by 30 pounds in just a week . My heart disease disappeared and I felt myself revitalized. (Ms. Wu, Beijing)

The Retreat was a complete baptism of the body and the spirit. I lost 14 pounds in just two days (before I weighed 210 pounds). During the next 12 day Qinway Bigu, I lost a total of 25 pounds and regained the feeling of fitness . The quality of my sleep was so good that with only six hours of sleep I was able to maintain energetic for the whole day. The most amazing thing was that I didn't feel hungry at all although I only ate half of an apple a day. (Bob, Sunnyvale, CA)

I used to have a gigantic belly that I could put a bowl on it. After learning and practicing Qinway Exercise, my obesity was greatly reduced and my dangerous hypertension healed. Now I have more energy and feel much younger. (H. H., Beijing)

I went on 6 day Qinway Bigu under Grandmaster Qin's guidance and today is the 6th day of Qinway Bigu. Before I came to the retreat, I weighed 257 lbs. Today, I am happy to report I weighed 233 lbs with no side effects . (Steve, IL)

As of today I lost 13 pounds. Very unexpected and nice results. I think this retreat program has great possibilities. Thanks! (Lorena, Sunnyvale, CA)

Thank you for your continued work. I am wearing a dress I could never have worn three months ago . (S. H., Minnesota)

I lost 20 pounds in just 9 days following Grandmaster Qin's Retreat. I decided to extend my bigu. (M.S., Chatsworth, CA)

It was a life changing experience for me to take the retreat with you (Grandmaster Qin). My wife noticed the change in my skin color after only 4 days. Also, my weight has decreased, although I do not want to weigh until I finish my 27 days of Qinway Bigu. In 6 days I was wearing a size 42 suit from a very tight 44 suit before I came to Oceanside. The most significant change is internal which cannot be seen from the outside. You are truly a BLESSING. Thanks again. You have made such a difference in my life. (Alex, MA)


Qigong Goes to Battle: Winning the Fight against Cancer (published in the Kungfu Magazine ) [video]

I'm 69 years of age and in April 2003 I was diagnosed with cancer of the prostate. A cancer treatment was started in preparation for surgery. However as a gift, my daughter paid for me to join Grandmaster Qin's Retreat. In this way, I was acquainted with Grandmaster Qin. After the retreat and following the Qinway Exercise method, I lost 35 pounds, and I could wear clothes from 5-10 years ago. Moreover, through the Energetic Qinway Bigu practice I got so much energy that I did go to the health spa to do exercises, to run and to lift weights. I'm sure that Qigong, a Chinese healing system with 5,000 year history, had a major part in helping me accomplish this. Finally, on June 24th, 2004 (two months after the Retreat), my doctor did another set of biopsies on my prostate and no cancer could be found; the area where the previous cancer was, showed only atypical cells while the rest of the biopsies showed normal prostatic tissue: since no traces of cancer was found, my urologist told me "this finding is quite unusual; we do not know the meaning of it". (G. B., Laguna Niguel, CA)

Qinway System (Top)

Qigong Scott Then

Qigong Scott Now

Qinway Transformed My Life (by Scott Weaver, right pictures)

An Interview with Scott Weaver, who did bigu over 100 days

Qinway 's Scientific Principles and Mechanism via My Personal Experience with Qi

How I View Qinway Exercise

Qinway Exercise: Simple and Effective

As a Traditional Chinese Medicine doctor and a long time Qigong practitioner, I've been very impressed with the rigor and completeness of Qinway Exercise system, and I myself have benefited greatly with increased strength, mental clarity and general good health. (S. G., Santa Cruz, CA)

Because of your instruction in January 2001 and my persistence in doing the daily Qinway exercises, I am regaining my life. My body, mind, and spirit continue to heal.  Some days are easier than others. On the days that are less than easy, I remember your words: " Change your mind ." When I change my mind, I end up feeling better! I really like your Qinway Exercise System and support you in sharing it with the World. People need to know about Qinway, not only for its curative properties, but for its application in the area of preventive medicine. (Bonnie, Los Alto, CA)

Feeling only my energy has been more clear and grounded, and helping to build my foundation. My senses have heightened and since my blocked meridians are opening more, my body is more comfortable . (Moreen, Brentwood, CA)

When I attended the Retreat, I didn't have many diseases. I was just too fat and weighed 150 pounds. I had tried many different weight-loss methods without success. So I decided to learn Qinway Exercise and it was very effective. I lost 10 pounds in just a few days and at one time lost as much as 28 pounds. Besides losing weight, my cholesterol level, which was too high before, became lower. Even my eyesight improved and I am able to sleep better at night now. It seems as though all aspects of my health have improved after practicing Qinway Exercise. (L. L., Milbrae, CA)

Rejuvenation (Top)


Since completing my first Retreat in October, 2005, I have continued my Bigu program with the support of Qinway and Grandmaster Qin until now in May, 2006, and I plan to continue further. I did my second retreat in February, 2006, and I plan to attend the upcoming one in August in Honolulu. Although I practiced and taught martial arts and qigong for several decades, this was a unique experience. This system is incredibly powerful with rapid yet amazingly deep results. Besides losing over 60 pounds, I was able to stop taking a medication with potentially harmful side-effects. Chronic ailments have disappeared and I feel like I am back in my prime in all respects . The positive effects are continuing and increasing.

I'm experiencing strong qi while doing Qinway exercise - much stronger than in my previous qigong work and in practicing and mastering martial arts. Sometimes there are feelings of body parts "disappearing" during practice, and seemingly other dimensional scenes and colors appear. There have been various water images - one time a torrent of rushing water - which I regard as positive signs of ongoing cleansing, detoxification and a "cooling down" of my condition of "too much fire." There have been many deep spiritual experiences and realizations as well. I consider myself extremely fortunate to have connected with Qinway and Grandmaster Qin. -J.G., Ojai, CA

Qigong Stephanie

My starting weight was 207 and this morning it read 200 (in just a few days). I have already got two compliments on my skin! (Stephenie, Corona, CA, right picture)

I am a woman in my 50s. I had already had menopause before studying Qinway Exercise. After practicing Qinway Exercise for about 10 days, I was amazed that my period reappeared . Although many women may not like to get it back, but I celebrated it as a clear indication of rejuvenation. (B.G., Los Gatos, CA)

I wasn't able to do the horse stance for High Pressure Detoxification. Grandmaster Qin specially allowed me to sit and do it. After practicing for a few days, I was amazed that I can stand and do High Pressure Detoxification just like a normal young person. I continued my Qinway Bigu for over 30 days and felt greatly rejuvenated. (P.R., 72 years, Cupertino, CA)

Look 10 Years Younger After attending retreat, I lost weight and looked much younger. My wrinkles disappeared. I was able to wear skirts and looked like a girl again. I was overjoyed and referred many people to learn Qinway Exercise, who all achieved great results. Later, my teenager son and daughter also took retreat, after which their school performance greatly improved to my great satisfaction. (L. L., Burlingame, CA)

After doing Qinway Bigu regularly for a few months, I was surprised that my menstruation reappeared. (A. G., Oklahoma City, OK)

I just went back to China recently. My old classmates were really surprised to see me still in such a good shape while they already looked old and lack-luster in comparison. I was able to stay young or at lease delay aging by doing Qinway Bigu periodically. (Evelyn, Sunnyvale, CA)

Before I started learning Qinway Exercise two years ago, I was obese and had little hair. After persisting in doing regularly Qinway Bigu, I lost weight, grew new hair and my moustache spread over my chin. Energized-fasting has cleared out a lot of toxins from abuses in my early years. (S. G., Santa Cruz, CA)

Yes, I have made great progress in rejuvenation since the Retreat and I am hopeful in the new year to come to get certified to teach the Qinway Exercise here in the Durango area. I am so grateful to you. (S.D., Colorado)

Rheumatism (Top)

I had severe rheumatism and my limbs were so deformed that I had long been forced to stay in bed all day long. After Grandmaster Qin's retreat, I found that the soles of my feet were very wet. To my amazement, a small pond of water was in my shoes . In less than an hourafter her healing, I was able to walk, even run, on my own feet! (P. Z., Beijing)

Skin Problem (Top)

After 27 day Qinway Bigu, the rash on my skin has disappeared from the face, neck, chest and right arm. The skin on my face and neck is being renewed; the skin on the neck feels very smooth. (Jorge, Santa Rosa, CA)

I had suffered scleroderma for years, its symptoms seem to have reversed since my bigu. The changes did not immediately show right after bigu. In the Feb. of this year, I went to see my Rheumatology specialist Dr. Arthur M. Bobrove, M.D. (from Palo Alto Medical Foundation). He was so surprised, he said, "Your skin doesn't look like scleroderma's skin," when he checked my upper body. It was because my skin on the upper body had been very thick since I suffered scleroderma in 1998, but Dr. Bobrove could pinch my skin very easily at that time. I noticed that my skin has changed a lot. From the Western medicine point of view, scleroderma is a non-reversible immune system disease with an unknown onset and no efficient medical treatment. But the miracle changes happened to me after I took the retreat and practice 3 to 4 hours of Qinway exercise. (Shirley, Milpitas, CA)

Sleeping Problem

I am a senior computer consultant at HP Company. Due to the fast advance in computer industry, I always felt the urgent need not to fall behind. But I used to have bad sleep, even 9 hours in bed still cannot give me enough energy for work. I have to take in a lot of sleeping pills to help my sleep. In Sept. 1998, I attended Grandmaster Qin's Retreat. My dream for sound sleep came true. Now I have thrown away sleeping pills, enjoy sound sleep every night and feel much more energetic with just 7 hours sleeping. It effectively gives me two more working hours each day. So that I can assume more responsibilities and handle more projects. Another welcome side-effect was that I lost 10 pounds and there is no overweight for me anymore. Currently I cut my daily food by 30% and still never feel hungry. In particular, I benefited a lot from the sleeping exercise in Qinway Exercise. Fifteen minutes spent in doing the sleeping exercise equal two hours of sleep. It works just like recharging. (G. H., Mountain View, CA)

In recent years, because of menopause, I couldn't sleep well. My memory declined and it was difficult to focus. Everyday, I was sleepy and my mind seemed to be separate from my body. Since my first day of Qinway Bigu, I can sleep straight until dawn for eight hours . During the day, I no longer feel sleepy and tired. (Mary, Fremont, CA)

I feel like walking my dog now so I must have more energy. Also, my sleep pattern has improved a great deal. The sleeping exercise is very beneficial for me. (F. B., Temecula, CA)

Spine (Top)

My cervical vertebra had long been narrowed , and the supply of blood to the brain was thus limited. After practicing the Qinway Exercise for only two days, my diseases suddenly disappear and, to my surprise, my intelligence seemed to improve as well. In one morning, I finished an article of 10,000 words plus a dozen of thoughtful poems. (Y. S., Beijing)

I expelled heavy sticky looking mucous in the afternoon and then felt better. After a day of pain in my back and organs, blockages in my spine cleared up that resulted from a car accident years ago that I felt was contributing to my stomach problems. I have since then felt lighter in my body and able to move more freely, the exercises became easier to do. Last Saturday I had an exceptional day where I felt at peace, in love with life, my body felt light and energetic, I felt clear on all levels and could "see" everything from a new vantage point of love and acceptance. (S. A., Encinitas, CA)

Also, my spine is in better shape and my neck how has a curve in it (meaning that some of the vertebra have gone back in place). (N. M., Fullerton, CA)

Spiritual Growth (Top)

I already feel like a new woman and just left the Qinway Bigu yesterday. Wow! Many blessings to you all for all your work and care helping to make this possible. I have never felt at "home" in myself as I do now. (L. M., Palo Alto, CA)

I felt the Qi in the room and fill my whole body-felt gentle heat around my upper Dantian. I can feel my spirit protectors near me. During the retreat, felt toxins gently leave my feet and it felt like spiritual toxins also left. Felt increased energy- strong but very smooth. (P. S., Santa Cruz, CA)

Since then I have been consciously releasing any regrets that I have about my past and my present.  I have had vivid dreams about people that I want to forgive. Hopefully, I will "have no regrets" very shortly.  What a wonderful way to live one's life. It opens up such possibilities. (B. G., Los Alto, CA)

The best improvement (during my Qinway Bigu) though, was my attitude. I could see ahead of me and wasn't blinded by all the muck. There was a lightness of being that I don't remember feeling for many years. I felt an internal stillness that somehow made me insightful. (K. E., Alameda, CA)

Wanted to let Grandmaster Qin know that while listening to Qinway Exercise CD II : as I was visualizing white lotuses I suddenly felt very sad and longed to be there...as though it reminded me of home. Tears flowed for a little while. I felt alright after. (Arleen, San Mateo, CA)

I do appreciate the retreat that I learned. It did give me a great sense of peace within . (Margaret, Menlo Park, CA)

Once while exercising, I experienced great joy and one time the image of the 1000 armed Buddha came to me. Thank you for your powerful retreat program. (Charlene, Saratoga, CA)

(Through Qinway Exercise, I gained) a more powerful understanding of energy and how much I don't know as well as a more peaceful and calm state of being. (Maria, Pleasant Hill, CA)

I was not really trying to lose weight, I just wanted to clean the toxicity from my body. But I also noticed subtleties within my mind; my meditation has gotten better, my mental clarity has gotten better, I have felt a lot calmer . Qinway Exercise has been very, very useful for me physically, mentally and spiritually. (Steven, Santa Cruz, CA)

I started noticing emotional detox almost immediately, mainly during the Qinway exercise. Thoughts would start coming up of situations that happened 30 years ago, 50 years ago that I hadn't thought about in 30 or 50 years, just coming up. And during the exercises, they come up and they go out. This sort of emotional releasing happens very naturally and painlessly. As that detox starts happening, there is deeper awarenesses that happen also, that produces a deeper sense of peace, peace of mind and comfort in work, in relationships etc etc. (Ron, Canoga Park, CA)

Stone (Top)

Although I'm a Chinese Medicine doctor who also practices and teaches Qigong, I hadn't been able to resolve problems with my kidney stones, low energy and overweight for a long time. When I saw info about Qinway Retreat with advanced bigu, I decided to try. After learning a complete set of Qinway techniques and energy channels being opened during Retreat, I went home to follow "Qinway Bigu homework" designed by Grandmaster Qin individually. During the first week, my energy level was very high, but my mouth had a foul smell, prompting my wife to keep asking me to brush my teeth. During the second week on the 12th day, I discharged dark smelly stools, among which I saw pieces of my solid kidney stones! I was overjoyed. (A. W., Cupertino, CA)

Teeth (Top)

The pockets around my teeth were 4-5-6 mm. Now they are mostly 3mm, this is very cool. (Ron, Canoga Park, CA)

Thyroid Gland Disease (Top)

Qigong Liang Then

Qigong Liang Now

Qinway Retreat Healed My Serious Thyroid Gland Disease [right pictures] [video]

My reflexes are notably FASTER. This is excellent because of longstanding thyroid deficiency and thyroid/endocrine imbalances which are being improved . (R. D., Idaho)

Wellness (Top)

For the first time in years, I feel strong again, really strong. I spent 2 years in bed. I have worked hard to get my health back and I have done lots and lots of cleansing. I have made a pretty good recovery and had lots of help along the way. However, I have not in years, felt strong like I feel this morning. If for no other reason than this, I wish to say that your trip to America is worth it. It has already changed my life to the core. Your courage has paid off immensely in my life. I haven't been this well in a very long time and this is only day 8. I am deeply, deeply blessed to be back to earth in a healthy body and I know it will get better from here. (D. L., Oregon)

Wisdom Improvement (Top)

My cervical vertebra had long been narrowed, and the supply of blood to the brain was thus limited. After practicing Qinway Exercise for only two days, my diseases suddenly disappear and, to my surprise, my intelligence seemed to improve as well. In one morning, I finished an article of 10,000 words plus a dozen of thoughtful poems. (Y. S., Beijing)

I have been a physician for decades and wanted to have better brain energy to write books. In Grandmaster Qin's retreat, while I was writing my feedback, I was amazed to find out that I could think clearly and easily with much inspiration just as when I was young. (A. W., Cupertino, CA)

(I am an astrologist. After taking the retreat,) Today, I read a chart for a client I have not met. For the first time, I never stopped the tape to drink water or deal with my anxiety of what I was saying. It was a different level of confidence in connecting. The energy just flowed, and I felt very energized at the end instead of relieved about another tape without being able to interact live! Clearly, I was being helped. (Lynn, Palo Alto, CA)

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Enlightenment Lotus
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