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Special Ability Rejuvenation 3.2D Furnace RetreatWisdom . Natural Healing . Rejuvenation . Special Abilities . Enlightenment |
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Most Powerful & Unique Special Abilities Fundamental Healing & Rejuvenation Program 沁大师将陆续开设古老修道智慧及排毒填元说中文讲习班
* 经过沁丹能辟谷闭关项目不到108天就头发由白变黑的学员(Elias Corona, 加州)
*Lynne在做沁丹能辟谷闭关项目不到一个月,就看起来年轻了10岁(Lynne, Encinitas, 加州)
对 比
* 一个独一无二的无极高维礼物;一次永远难忘的无相灌顶、灵魂旅行;一种彻心切肺的深层宏大洗涤是来自无极的10万吨甘露水
* 一个独一无二的无文字相能量信号程序,通过密传的严谨阶梯式修炼,以消除业障、开启人类智慧与潜能为特征的内敛式正觉现代修炼大法
*** a strong yes ** likely * unlikely
* 沁丹能辟谷全面继承发扬了中国古老的修仙术,改革后的沁康平,从第一天开始就能成功打开您的人天通道,您不会有饥饿与疲劳感,那颗被巧妙“内置”的“能量丹球”信号场将变得越来越强壮,足以支持您长达108天乃至数年的辟谷。
* 能使您轻松惬意地呆在一个长达120小时封闭的高能量场达成“气足不思食”式辟谷筑基,而这即便对古代专事修炼的道人通常也需要10-16年的艰苦修炼(闭关班第一部分);大师将一直不间断地向您提供足以超过108天的远程能量信号支持和个别化指导,即便是您在做闭关第二部分“回家作业”期间;
节省时间: 根据在沁康平有过多年修炼积累经验的的诸多学生亲身体验,证明这个强化闭关班课程等同于在别的同样领域专事10年的修炼时间集成,成功地毕业并完成这108天以上的体验变革理悟与升华,这就相当于获得在这一专业领域博士后的水准; 由此可见,该项目可以极大节省您的时间,即您无需再上其他初、中、高级相关课程的班,一切该达到的都达到了,又何须再花时间精力金钱去上小学初中?
节省金钱: 通过瞬间接通宇宙高能和对你完成高能信号场能个性化系统建立,可同时达到根本性治疗、美容和返老还童与灵性密码调整的效能,这对您在医疗、保健、美容,各类参班培训费用等方面皆节省了巨额的开支费用.
一个潜在的极具吸引力的价值: 沁大师从一个高起点帮助您开发出经过您自己亲自验证的多种特殊能力,只要您遵循并做好闭关回家作业(回家作业简单易行),您就能成为被授权的具备有磁化能量的教员,您可以使您的学生快速接通并获得满意而令人惊奇的治疗与开悟效果;这将对您是一个很好的度人度己工具,从某种意义上说,也是一份极有魅力的工作与职业;高品质生活,能最大程度优化您的生活质量:您永远无需担心患上癌症或其他严重疾病,并有极强的抗衰老功效,从面容气色,身材,大脑思维清晰度,骨关节,血液洁净度及医学生化指标,都能令您确信无疑这种优化水平堪称世界一流;同样它亦将同时净化您的灵性密码软件,有利于您的来世,并具庇荫子孙功德;
第一部分:根本性治疗 & 返老还童闭关班
学习沁康平技术密法,辟谷、吃 信号加持能量食品,在短短一个月里获得深度治疗及返老还童功效
* 从第1天起,使您保持在一个高能量场里,持续不断打开您的人天通道以接收宇宙高能,因此,在辟谷期间您将不会感觉到饥饿和疲劳.
* 可以学习到一整套完整超强的养生功法,包括站功,坐功,行走功,睡功,及与自然能量沟通的功法
1. 个性化: 在这个世界上不会有两个人共享相同的生命信号和气场。这个沁康平技术项目从分析每一个不同的个体疾病根源开始,并为不同的个体特别设计一个个人治疗系统计划。该计划包括个性化信号治疗数字、颜色、治疗食品、方向学、风水及始终贯穿您整个辟谷过程的、为您特制的独一无二的生物信号专频.
2. 基本法门: 这一完整的沁康平技术项目使您在很短的时间内获得根本性的治疗状态。别的头痛医头,脚痛医脚的方法只会使康复缓慢,也许会导致失去治疗的动能。这个闭关班的设计好比是个“大爆炸”,旨在突破您健康的瓶颈。将使您24个小时持续不断地保持在一个封闭的高能量场,并快速打开您的人天通道、建立一个强大的能量球---一个根本性治疗至关重要的条件。因此,您将能够进入高级的辟谷状态
3. 完整性: 像一块很好的布料,最好完全得到专业人士专门为您量身打造,而不是东拼西凑品质无法保证。零碎的学习不同的系统,最初时可以使你感觉很舒服,但它无法根除病根,不会导致持久的治疗和康复。不使用设计好的方法工作甚至会造成能量混乱。 沁康平技术项目不只是一次集中的训练,它更是一个完整的、严谨的技术体系。 沁康平技术项目,有其深刻和博大精深的内容,为您提供一个往往无法用语言描述的至高体验。通常您必须得上多年的灵修大学才有可能实现这一高端成就。
* 调整您的灵性密码,并消除前世业障及身体堵塞.
* 治愈疑难杂症及慢性病,如:高血压,糖尿病,甲状腺,肥胖超重,关节和骨骼疾病,失眠症,皮肤问题,胃、肠疾病问题,和妇科疾病等
* 通过对身体内部的清理排毒,达到根本性治疗和返老还童,显著提高能量等级,及减轻压力等。
* 过接通高维度的宇宙高能,您将会学习到如何使用宇宙高能去为有缘人治疗.
* 将您的手掌质变为高能量的荷花掌,您会亲自验证到,该可运用于远程诊断与治疗等,效果往往是惊人地准确有效!
*享受沁音大师亲自为您加持准备、能够提升能量的美味能量加持品; 如此您可大量节省时间而获得一步到位的个性化能量,而无需皆需用掉自己苦修积累的能量精华来冲关开穴,排毒填元!
3rd Part: 3.2-D Retreat
After you complete the Retreat BIGU homework and successfully become a purified magnet, you will qualify as a certified Level I 3.2D Healing Instructor authorized to teach Energy Recharge Methods, an essential part of Qinway Methods (a video kit is available for certified instructors at additional cost). Your students may experience the transforming power of Methods in the very first class. As a Level I instructor, you are NOT authorized to teach BIGU, because a BIGU master needs to have strong abilities, the lack of which may cause danger.
Areas of Focus
* Enter a high-energy Qi furnace for Invisible Crown Infusion
* Experience an amazing Soul Travel to look for your true self and spiritual awakening.
* Receive ten tons of Immortal Water for internal cleansing, and a special activation of Third Eyeto see each organ.
* Receive an amazing higher dimensional gift - Invisible Wuji Needle.
* Through invisible means strengthen your magnetism and your connection with wisdom channels. This energy signal will be with you for a very long time.* Receive a step by step training in becoming an outstanding instructor of Energy Recharge Methods.
* Activate an account to receive spiritual energy balls from Ocean, sky, earth and mountains, and beach sand healing.
* Receive a turn-key package (a set of practicing Methods teaching supplies) with strong energy signals enabling you to start teaching Qinway Methods easily.
*Who is Suitable to Take the 3.2D Furnace Retreat:
a) If you want to get Fundamental Healing, Rejuvenation and Beautification
b) If you are interested in spiritual channel opening with enlightenment good foundation
c) If you want to be natural healing expert, after Qinway certification program, you will be authorized to teach Qinway Recharge Methods.
This top program is great verified in American for more than 10 years. It was commented by students as "the most time saving, money saving with miracle results for complete uplifting body, mind and spirit". This program uses unique top technology of human united universe in the world. This is current Qinway's most advanced program, however, this top program only suitable for the people whose mind, spirit, time, finance & understanding power is achieving ready.
If your karma is not ready for this program, Intermediate Healing Retreat can be another choice; However, in Qinway history there were many students have skipped intermediate courses and were great successful!
If your karma is ready, you may register immediately for getting into strong energy signal field.
Individual Consultation and Healing
Individual consultation and healing with Grandmaster now only offer to the retreat students during the retreat. So don't lose this rare opportunity. During a individual session, you will have Grandmaster Qinyin's full attention, you can organize your detailed questions in advance.the individual healing will not be offer by itself.If you wish to schedule this individual session, please fill out the form as earlier as possible with the detail information to Grandmaster (some info you can combine with the retreat form), so that Grandmaster can schedule and arrange the entire signal earlier for you.
1. 我为什么需要参加这个特殊能力开发暨返老还童3.2D丹炉闭关班??沁康平技术是一个最完整和最强有力自然疗法的体系,它非常有效的治愈和预防疾病,同时起到返老还童和美容养颜的功效、它是一套极为优秀而没有任何副作用的自然疗法, 其真实效能之一是相当于给您买了一生的健康保险;这个闭关项目对学员开发智慧、激发特殊能力及启动灵觉等方面有着特别的技能与经验;该项目同时也给每位学员提供了成为合格理想的自然疗法师之职业生涯机会。.
2. 我怎么可能在这么短的时间里学到并足以能称职地以“磁化力量”去传授沁康平充电法门?
这个高能丹炉式闭关班,它具有快速转换并强化优化您的生化场功能,这一严谨的项目通过打开您的人天通道、信号传输、顿悟法门,使您在一个很短的时间内成为一个合格的沁康平充电法门导师 .
5. 未来的沁康平技术研究所对于那些已经取得沁康平认证资格的老师提供远程支持吗?
6. 来上这个闭关班前需要做些什么样的准备工作?
Upcoming Retreat Schedule
Event WhereA. 第二届总裁精气神根本智“六合一”闭关班; ( 2012.07.12 - 07.17)
中国杭州欲知详情,可咨询Vicky Bao 鲍老师:13732256408
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Questions and Answer:What is 3.2D mean?
Ordinary people are 3D energy level, after the 3.2D retreat program, the students can achieve high energy aura equivalent to 3.2 Dimension, which includes the special abilities for 3.2D. It also has amazing healing results during the process of converting the 3D to high dimension. (more Q & A coming soon)
New Lessons of Super Upgrades
We are excited to inform prospective Retreat participants of the following super upgrades, in addition to the original retreat essence.
(1) An ancient secret technique of XiSuiJin (or marrow cleansing) with revolutionary innovation and initiation on the spot by Grandmaster: Profound deep cleansing to rejuvenate you inside out.
(2) A classic Taoist practice of refining sexual energy to nourish SHEN (the energy of spirit)
(3) A special technique to replenish your lost brain power due to stress or exhaustion (Initiation by Grandmaster on the spot)
(4) Teaching the true Dao of being worry-free forever, and the secret to never lose your energy ball acquired during BIGU
(5) About karmic force: How it relates to your wellness in this and the next life. Many people keep making mistakes and bad karma from life to life, which result in diseases, blockages and disasters at this life and dropping the spirit to a lower dimension in next life.
How to avoid? This is specifically related to your lifestyle, which is an exciting retreat upgrade topic.
(6) 3.2D Retreats will be offered a few times a year with small class size. You are strongly encouraged to register soon since there are only limited openings.
Please e-mail or call for more info.
What is BIGU?
BIGU is a special Taoist technique using universal energy to replace regular food. The great result is being too Qi (Energy) filled to eat and don't feel hungry, in the mean time the body organ gets rested, repaired and achieved fundamental healing and rejuvenation.
In Qinway ten years history ninety nine percent of retreat students responded with no feeling of hungry during BIGU. Read more about BIGU.
What Are Signal Healing Food & Energized Fengshui Objects?
During BIGU, Grandmaster Qinyin channels Wuji Dimension energy signals into special natural food (e.g. Yin-Yang Tea, Hawthorn Powder etc) to match and adjust each students frequency & problems.
Signal healing also includes sound, image, word, color, number, and special lecture. Energized fengshui objects are used for self protection or fengshui arrangement. They can improve your home's Qi field fundamentally, and uplift the purified field you got from Retreat.
Hear from Students...
"I went to very high Swiss mountains higher than half of Mount Everest and I was amazed how my how strong I was and how strong I was and how capable I could breath enough oxygen even at 4’500 meters above sea level enough to walk with heavy Rucksack. Right now there are more ups then down and Qi attacks are reduced; Hands are getting better soon new sky is shining up; Much younger and more handsome; Very very strong organs and breathing system to go to high mountains; I was amazed how energetic I am and how good my lungs are working even in the high are. Although I did not eat for that long time, after attending 6/26 retreat until now..." -- Kurt S, Switzerland, 08-08-2009
During the soul travel, I saw a flash of white light. I felt very refreshed when the immortal water pouring down on me. Every part of my body was being washed. For some reason, I was moved into tears. Also I was excited to see some of my internal organs. -Lisa (Fremont, CA)
After attending "Special Abilities Retreats", while I was practicing Qinway, I saw a seven-layer seven color pagoda, and I again climbed in the stomach of a dragon. Now my eyes became like a X-ray machine, and even my toes can emit Qi. I'm now able to see other people's brains. - Helen (Fresno, CA)
I was able to see my aura emanating from my fingers very brightly like flashlights. The meditation to open the Third Eye was very powerful. I experienced the inside of my skull glowing with light as if it were a temple. I saw a gold and red Buddha. I felt a lot of energy. When we did the palm remote diagnosis I was surprised and pleased at my ability to do it. - J. G. (Ojai, CA)
After Special Abilities training, I used them immediately, and had my first successful experience. My friend stated that her severe back/hip pain was gone after the healing. - Chimin (San Leandro, CA)
During the soul traveling in Special Abilities Classes at Qinway Healing Center, I saw ocean and went into a cave in the cave-age time. I saw a few other people sitting around a fire in the cave, and felt like a family. I saw elephants.
When I came back to the present time, I went to my parents' house. Then I saw Quanyin Buddha standing on a hill, wind blowing on her. I saw valleys, cities, mountains and trees...My 3rd eye felt pressure and my physical eyes just closed up. My body started gyrating... -Shigeko (Whittier, CA)
So incredible. I got back in touch with my abilities and feelings in order, and expand gifts I thought I had and, because of the Grand master, now know I have. I saw a view of my organs, and was able to see the heart and various organs in detail. - Richard (Escondido, CA)
During the soul traveling, I saw lots of moving colors. I also saw Grand Master Qinyin covered in strong lights. Afterwards I felt relaxed and warm, when previously I felt very cold. When I diagnosed my partner's stomach, I actually heard noise. I sensed his indigestion problem, which was confirmed. The sensation in my palms was amazing. I felt the medicine needle poking my skin. - Gaile (Escondido, CA)
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The Qinway certification program is powerful, enjoyable, and easy to master. After graduation, I immediately incorporated it into my healing practice as well as instructing patients on the Qinway exercises. They have reported many phenomenal results, and I was very excited.
I have great experience with the Retreat! I wrote an article, click here to read ... B. W., Lic. Acupuncturist (MA)
My greatest experience in this class is "true master" (Grandmaster). I felt very happy communicating with the Ocean spirit, which showed some pictures to me. I have learned many different healing systems before, and Qinway is the most complete system that I've ever seen. It helped me understand the truth of healing. - Ron (Canoga, CA)
I felt I was vibrating with the universe. I did experience much heat and energy rising inside me. I can see Sakyamuni in the light aura. Instantly I felt calmer and happier. I felt peaceful and didn't want to stop the Practices meditation. I experienced being strongly magnetized, and my channels were opened to the universe. - Derek (Fremont, CA)
Shortly after becoming a Certified Instructor, I started teaching Qinway Energy Recharge Methods regularly at the Learning Annex in San Francisco.
Following procedures of teaching and arranging a qi field, my students reported excellent results on the spot - saw colors and felt energy all around; excellent releases; physically rewarding; sense of well-being and improvement; warmth in lower body and legs; more relaxed and lighter. - Barbara Niepelt (Redwood City)
Detoxification! My energy increased quickly. I gained four pounds in half a day, and in the other half of the day lost three pounds. - David (Long Beach)
The wordless textbook is very beautiful and touched me deeply. I felt I have understood the Dao (Way) that cannot be described in words. I am thinking of ways I could bring what I have learned and my awakening to a broader audience. - Rob (Carlsbad, CA)
Since attending Qinway Healing Instructor Betty Woo's class, in 7 weeks I lost 30lbs and reduced my total cholesterol by 60 points, without the use of any medication! Then I decided to come to Qinway Healing Center in California to attend the 3.2 D Healing Retreat myself. I had a lot of positive changes after doing the 3.2 D Healing BIGU for a month.
- Alex (MA)
Retreat Starting from Now:
Time Preparations
You shall give yourself a good environment before, during and after retreat so that you have enough time to do BIGU homework for best results.
Financial Preparations:Tuition and BIGU supplies (depending on your individual healing number of BIGU days) are required. You may choose optional energy powders & fengshui objects.
Logistical Preparations
You are encouraged to drink Yin-Yang Healing Tea for a week, and eat light and mostly vegetarian meals 1-2 days before Retreat.
We provide "signal healing food", so you don't need to bring any food. Please bring a sleeping bag/blanket, a pillow (as your own signal ), a ceramic cup, a pair of black pants (only used for a few hours during retreat for developing 3rd eye), and an empty mind.
Although you will not take shower during the retreat while your channels are being opened intensively, you are encouraged to bring clothes to change daily. For additional staying before/after Retreat, please make arrangement yourself.
*Special Notes:
*Seating are very limited for the Intermediate Healing Bigu Retreat & 3.2D Furnace Retreat, please register early.*If Have Coupon or Bonus are valid But based on the class size of at least 6 new students. Coupon & Bonus are only for the new students, as repeating students already have huge discount.
*Results are Guaranteed as Long as You Follow Grandmaster's Instruction & Homework
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