1. Free Global Remote Healing with Annual 930 (Sept 30) Event. Tell us Your Health Issues & Register now!
2. Celebrate 930 with Huge Discounts of up to 70% Off for All Energized Products. Limited Time Offer.
To Get The Best Healing Result, Order Now! |
3. Best Time for All Previous Students to Re-start Doing Bigu with 930 Unique Time-space Energy Qi Field!
Especially Your Bigu Supply & Healing Products Will Get Grandmaster¡¯s Individually Energized Signal Support! |
4. New! Grandmaster Will Offer First Intermediate Healing Retreat in Hawaii with Strong Healing Power!
Register Now and Enjoy the First Introductory Price. Limited Size! |
5. New! Grandmaster is Offering Free Tuition for Advanced Level II Instructor (disciple) Training to Qualified Virtue students.
The Program will Train You to Become a Great Spiritual Healing Professional with Great Income; Register Now to Start Accumulating Qualifying Credit! |
6. Instructor Certification Renewal Notification and Announcement!
* All previous instructors must strictly comply with this section for re-certification:
* All certifications (including Level I instructor and all other types in the Qinway program previous 12 years) will expire on December 31, 2010
* All energized Bigu supplies and energized products will be provided only by Grandmaster.
* People if taken the class or retreat offered by Qinway instructors, you may email to 930@qinway.org to ask about the instructor¡¯s qualification status |
7. New! Grandmaster will Start to Offer a Unique Private Consultation Project.
The Subject is for Life Longevity with Good Health, and Also for the Important Personal Longevity Direction! Email Us |
8. New! Looking for Great Partners to Establish a Unique Longevity & Deluxe Healing Resort to Benefit the World.
If You Think You Are Qualified, Contact Qinway! |
1. Free Global Remote Healing with Annual 930 (September 30) Event. Tell us
Your Health Issues & Register Now!
a. What is 930?
930 means 9:30 PM of September 30, which is the most powerful time-space field each year for Qinway according to its secret spiritual history. At that particular moment in time, Qinway¡¯s three High Being Systems will all come together to provide strong energy signal support, and Grandmaster will act as a vehicle to transmit energy to each participant. To see more wonderful feedback from the previous years¡¯ 930 testimonials, click here.
b. How to Join 930?
The Annual 930 special event is coming! Do you wish to participate in this free global remote healing event?
Just fully complete the 930 event registration form and email to Qinway . The free remote healing is offered only to each valid registered participant who has correctly completed and submitted the form. Submit a qualified valid registration form now!
c. Ordering Qinway¡¯s Powerful Energized Healing Products will Enhance your Healing Results with the Remote Healing!
The individually energized products will carry a strong universal signal as an energy vehicle to you. Get your energized products now!
d. Fix the Good Signals: After You have Completed Participation in the 930 Event, Please Provide Feedback of Your Individual Experience to
Grandmaster fix the Good Signals for You
2. Celebrate 930 with Huge Discounts of up to 70% or $200 Off for All Energized Products. Limited Time Offer Only. To Get The Best Healing Result, Order Now!
Do you know what are energized products & do you know how valuable energized
products are? Because Grandmaster sent precious universal energy with vital qi into the
products! And most of the products are wild and organic and from deep mountains in China!
So the energized products have 100% natural healing properties. This is a great opportunity
to try a new energized product or stock up on your favorite energized natural healing
products with great savings. They will also help maximize your healing results from the 930
remote healing event.
3. Best Time for All Previous Students to Re-start Doing Bigu with 930 Unique Time-space Energy Qi Field! Especially Your Bigu Supply & Healing Products Will Get Grandmaster¡¯s Individually Energized Signal Support!
For all old Qinway students (Fundamental Healing, Special Abilities I and II, 3.2D Furnace), the best time to do Bigu is the 930 time-space energy field to give yourself a great chance to re-open your energy channel and reactivate detoxification and energy infusion functions.
Order your Bigu supplies now, along with supporting energized food products and Feng Shui protection objects. To check how effective it is for students to use energized products and give feedback, please read several of student Kurt¡¯s feedback reports for each of his orders and using the products. Don¡¯t miss this great opportunity; order now!
4. New! Grandmaster Will Offer First Intermediate Healing Retreat in Hawaii with Strong Healing Power! Register Now and Enjoy the First Introductory Price. Limited Size!
This is a brand new program that is great for all people!
The Intermediate Healing Retreat has great power for healing many kinds of chronic diseases and is powerful for beautification! We will provide much important and fundamental knowledge and supplemental information in the class. In addition, Grandmaster will activate energy channels for the new students and renew them for the old students!
This retreat¡¯s content also is one of the prerequisites for students who want to be certified as Level II instructors and will enhance students¡¯ experience & understanding when they take Level II Instructor training (see #5).
a. Three Suitable Target Audiences:
1). New participants: The intermediate retreat is highly recommended for everyone with chronic disease (diabetes, high blood pressure, overweight, joint problems, sleeping problems, body getting old¡) who wishes to have natural healing and a healthy lifestyle.
2). All old Qinway students (Fundamental Healing, Certification, Special Abilities I and II, 3.2D Furnace Retreat):
This is a brand new program with more important and fundamental knowledge and more supplemental information especially for renewing your energy channel to recharge and more important information for your lifestyle.
3). New Level II Instructors: Learn and master the class materials so you can pass the final exam later for Certification.
b. What is the Course Content in this Retreat?
1) Awaken the Physical & Spiritual Systems to Run Detoxification & Energy Infusion
2) Learn Classical Relaxation Qigong Exercises
3) Anatomy of Each Powerful ¡°Channel Healing Qigong¡± Signal Movement
4) Adjust Life Style & Know the Disease Causes & Mistakes in Eating & Cooking
5) Hold the keys of Life¡¯s treasures for Beautification & Becoming Medicine Free
6) Gain the Ability to Eat Universal Energy with BIGU Technique for Quick Rejuvenation
7) Learn How to Use Energized Products for Fast Healing Results & Body Protection
8) Receive Individual Healing Signal from Grandmaster
9) Get Life Signal Support to Achieve Great Longevity with Monthly Bigu at Home
10) Verify the Miracle Healing Results in Just a Few months if Following the Program
5. Grandmaster is Offering Free Tuition for Advanced Level II Instructor
(disciple) Training to Qualified Virtue Students. The Program will Train
You to Become a Great Spiritual Healing Professional with Great Income.
Register Now to Start Accumulating Qualifying Credit!
Grandmaster will offer the 1st Advanced Level II Instructor (disciple) Certification Program. Willing students need to understand clearly & pay careful attention to important key points below:
a. What's the value of the Level II Instructors (disciple) program?
This program¡¯s price is over $36,000, which in China is about 300,000 yuan, however, even
you couldn¡¯t find such unique program with a true master!
(1) Once you have received your qualified Level II certification, it means you are allowed to
teach the Intermediate Healing Retreat;
(2) To open the Intermediate Healing Retreat will earn you great virtue energy and
surrounding signal;
(3) To open the Intermediate Healing Retreat will earn you a great income as well. Through
powerful healing word-of-mouth, your income will increase more and more, and become
even enough to support you to develop even a large size Qinway healing branch;
(4) There is a large and constant potential source everywhere of students and clients who
love natural healing;
(5) You also can use many great useful healing treasures and energized products as you
learned from the 3.2D Furnace Retreat for your future healing branch;
(6) Grandmaster will offer you a discount for a basic quantity of energized products which
have to be used for your future Intermediate Retreat needs.
b. How to Qualify:
This program is only offered to 3.2D Retreat students who are willing to become Level II Instructors. Because this program involves teaching bigu which is a very high technique involving a special mind attitude as the disciple learns from the Sifu, some specific required preconditions must be met:
1). Completed the 3.2D Bigu program for at least 108 days one time, and at lease do monthly 6 days Bigu continue for one year; once with a deeper experience and attained a balance of the physical body, mind and spirit and your practice result will be checked by Grandmaster;
(2) Attended the Intermediate Healing Retreat with good understanding (see #4 above);
(3) Have good experience in Teaching Recharge Qigong at least three times with your students¡¯ feedbacks;
(4) Sign a policy agreement as requested;
(5) As disciple selection for the first Level II instructors is limited, those who have enough virtue credit by supporting Qinway and are really willing to get enlightenment in this life will receive priority;
(6) In order to qualify and get your certification, you need to pass a few strict exams with Grandmaster¡¯s long term training;
(7) If still not able to qualify yet, students can carry over some study credit to the next time.
(8) Virtue credit requested:
a. Grandmaster really wants to help the Level I & II instructors to easily teach in the future. She plans to develop a modern teaching series tool for the instructors with a great teaching model: using DVD, video movies, slide show, Flash, website re-design, etc. This involves a lot of labor, funds, and a huge amount of time. If this task is totally dependent on Grandmaster to learn & use so many new tools, it will be a waste of Grandmaster¡¯s special abilities & her strong areas, since normal humans use these tools and they are not Grandmaster¡¯s strong area. So we need volunteers who have the virtue to help in these areas;
b. First, it¡¯s worth pointing out: Grandmaster is kindly offering the first Level II instructor program for free (the tuition is $0). The long term training for the disciple also is free. However, she has been spending a lot of time and did much hard work day and night, to learn and practice these tools, and the only support she got was from Vicky, a busy mom with two children. It will take a long time to accomplish the dream of offering a modern teaching series tool for the instructors. If we have funds, we can hire the experts to do these projects;
c. Second, it¡¯s worth pointing out: Level II instructor training actually belongs to the high quality disciple program. It will be a long term training from Grandmaster and it is free as well. Qinway Level II instructor program is offering the Bigu technique, which is rare and unique in this world. If it becomes successful, it will bring huge benefits to the instructors. Also it will benefit a lot of human beings in the world. This is a great virtue!
So here, we send out an urgent appeal: if you can make donations and do some great volunteer work, it will become your virtue credit.
Note: in traditional Chinese culture, the disciple usually uses a red packet to submit to Sifu as a ¡°respect Sifu fee¡±, to show appreciation for Sifu rebuilding your software system.
6. Instructor Certification Renewal Notification and Announcement
a: Instructor Certification Renewal Notification
All previous instructors must strictly comply with this section for re-certification:
1) All previous Level I, disciple, and all future Level II Instructors have to get an annual re-certification by Grandmaster to get Grandmaster¡¯s program knowledge renewal and energy channel with the signal support, including Grandmaster's energized product support;
2) For good quality control and to benefit all instructors and their students, starting after January, 2011, all instructors must follow re-certification procedures and must notify Qinway headquarters in advance of all classes they will teach and provide feedbacks upon completion of each class;
3) All certifications (including Level I instructor and all other types in the Qinway program¡¯s 12 previous years)
will expire on December 31, 2010 and need to be renewed. Otherwise, your teaching is invalid and ineffective to students and not allowed by Qinway;
4)All energized Bigu supplies and energized products will be provided only by Grandmaster.
b: Announcement
1). People who want to take the class or retreat offered by Qinway instructors may email to 930@qinway.org to ask about the instructor¡¯s qualification status, such as if he or she has done the 108 day Bigu once for deep detoxification with purifying energy, and if he or she has renewed with a valid certification;
2). Starting February 2011, the Qinway website will release all names of individuals who qualify as certified Level I and II instructors;
3). Qinway is not responsible for any invalid teaching by uncertified instructors. The instructor's class will stop receiving energy signal support without certification renewal of the instructor;
4). People may email to Qinway to double check if they have received any products from the instructor to confirm that they were issued by and really energized by Grandmaster
NOTE: More details will be posted on the website: Certification II or Student Window.
7. New! Grandmaster will Start to Offer a Unique Private Consultation Project;
The Subject is Achieving Life Longevity with Good Health, and also the
Important Personalized Directions for Achieving Longevity! Email us.
Grandmaster Qinyin is a renowned expert of longevity research and experiments. She
will start to offer a unique private consultation project to help you achieve longevity together
with good health. If you are interested & need help with that, please email 930@qinway.org.
Qinway will reply to you with the next step you need to follow or to obtain more information
from you. And a detailed daily life healing plan with a specific design, will be
individually made for you by Grandmaster, along with such important personalized directions
for achieving longevity.
(Note: Qinway will not accept small or minor cases since Grandmaster is very busy)
8. New! Looking for Great Partners to Establish a Unique Longevity and
Deluxe Healing Resort. It will Benefit Yourself, your Family,
your Friends and even the Whole World with Unlimited Virtue. Grandmaster will
be Fully Responsible for the Special Technical Training. Contact Qinway!
As a unique expert of longevity research and experiments, Grandmaster is wiling to leave a great gift to the world; to establish a Unique Healing Resort is her dream. Her great article about ¡°Complete Longevity Law¡± was published in China in the Potential Science Magazine 16 years ago. Grandmaster will be fully responsible for providing the technology and knowledge, but really needs a partner who is strong in management and looking to provide funding for a good investment project.
a. Who is a suitable partner?
1). If you wish to establish the natural healing resort
2). If you wish to use natural healing methods to replace Western medicine to
benefit human beings
3). If you have great management experience
4). If you have funds for charity (to do good things)
5). If you want longevity together with good health to benefit humanity and make a fortune field for your future generations
b. What is the Image for the Natural Healing Resort?

1). Hawaii (a good Feng Shui location) has been
selected as the location for the unique healing resort since Hawaii is a world Yin/Yang
balance energy center. The unique healing resort¡¯s building has a special architectural style
which can collect universal energy.
2). Founder Qinyin, as a longevity expert, will be responsible for complete design for each individual¡¯s detailed lifestyle, including diet, feng shui, color, number, sleep, travel, etc. All these factors can change over time, and need to be adjusted at any time. This is a full service and completely individualized system for disease root removal and will lead to true rejuvenation and set up a stable longevity lifestyle.
3). People with many types of diseases (high blood pressure, overweight, diabetes, sleep problems, etc;) can be treated. Through a one month or 3 month or even one year healing program to get rid of the root of the disease, significant rejuvenation and natural beautification will be the result.
4). The deluxe healing resort will offer full daily care and service to each client. In particular, each client will have a specific teacher to lead him or her to practice specific healing qigong exercises.
5). Each client will get a specifically designed diet, color, direction, number, etc which can be adjusted daily.
6). Each client will get full service including professionally cooked meals with a individualized menu.
7). Each client will get individual healing with daily monitoring of health progress.
And more!
This is a great project to benefit you and humanity. You are welcome to contact Qinway at 930@qinway.org.
Love / Best wishes!