Holly Mission & Merit

Wisdom . Natural Healing . Rejuvenation . Special Abilities . Enlightenment

Virtue Record Tablet

功 德 丰 碑

Virtue Energy Carries
Fundamental Healing Signal!

We are deeply grateful to the students and volunteers who have benefited from the Qinway three high being system. Your healthy recovery, spiritual growth, and great compassion and merit will surely enable more people to gain opportunities of saving life and sufferings, your great merits will not only allow you to obtain the huge energy reward, but also benefit your family and the next generation.


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Bank of America
Routing number: 121000358
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Note: change the quantity to the amount you want to donate.

3. Wire Transfer:
Contact 930@qinway.org
Monthly Great Volunteers
Dynamic Volunteer
Greatest Volunteer
Grandmaster Qin (over 20 years)
April 2024
Long Term Virtue Support:
Charlie X. Vicky B. Shirley K. Lily L.

At the 3.3D level, individuals begin to set aside their mundane affairs, dedicating more time to practice at a fixed location, as advancing further requires increased dedication. At this stage, despite still being involved in everyday life, a fundamental commitment is initiated.

What does this phrase mean? What are the implicit values of this philosophy? Consider a global issue: they know the solution immediately and can address it in many ways due to their advanced understanding, facilitated by their position at the 3.5 Dimension. At this level, they receive universal signals and, like Nikola Tesla, use universal databases to resolve Earth's problems effortlessly.

At 3.3D, limited perspectives on problem-solving are evident because of the low dimensional viewpoint. By elevating to 3.5D, previously insurmountable global issues like potential extinction events from artificial intelligence become solvable. Access to the Akashic records at 3.5D provides multiple solutions where previously none seemed possible.

Individuals at 3.5D can connect to the universe, requiring verification to ascend further, aligning with the fundamental principle that verification is necessary to progress. Connected to a higher consciousness, they confirm their understandings and elevate to even higher levels.

In what context does this apply? Despite Chinese literature's complexity, such as a profound seven-character poem, the essence is virtue. The technology discussed here involves losing oneself, recognizing that physical existence is merely an expression of universal truth. Cultivation represents true virtue, inherently selfless and egoless. This level realizes that 'self' is an illusion, and the concept of individual identity is a construct obstructing enlightenment.

In this small town designed for cultivation, residential programs help participants detach from worldly distractions and diseases, promoting practices that transcend personal identity. Initially, participants spend hours daily overcoming misconceptions to foster altruism, not through forced meditation but through natural, virtuous responses.

In this place, a strong force field of consciousness supersedes personal identity, fostering a transition from selflessness to true self, becoming a reflex rather than a conscious effort. At this higher level of consciousness, actions are not self-serving but universally logical.

This process dispels illusions, aligning individuals with universal truth and synchronizing them with their higher selves, constantly receiving signals previously unrecognized. Utilizing simple terms like Akashi Records, this system facilitates access to vast wisdom, enabling significant intellectual achievements effortlessly due to the connection with universal consciousness.

Qigong angel