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Fundamental Healing & Rejuvenation RetreatQigong . Natural Healing . Rejuvenation . Special Abilities . Enlightenment |
The Renown & Ancient BIGU Program with Special Low Price! Great Results Guaranteed! Upgraded with 36 days Reward Remote Healing Package! (If you register before 7/30) 9/13 - 9/15/ 2014 in CA, Very Limited Size, Register Now! 享誉北加州湾区的根本性治疗闭关班,治疗成功保障!曾经在北美湾区创造无数奇迹;更有相随36天远程治疗加辟谷支持品套装赠品,如果你正式注册在7月30日! This powerful and renown program is ancient Chinese secret Healing methods, BIGU is preconditioned by 'Too Qi Filled to eat' and eat the “signal food” which was infused with high universal energy to achieve profound healing and rejuvenation, the special healing result appears in just a month even just a few days! This Powerful System is the collection of China's Top thousand years Tao's Technique and Modernized! Many healing Miracles has been Made through out Beijing, America and Different Countries during Previous 20 years. This Retreat program has Changed & Optimized many Students to Great Lives! This will be effective & verified by yourself! 这个著名的项目源于中华古老的道家秘术又经过了先进的现代化改革,在过去的20余年实践在北京、美国以及不同国家,产生了大量奇迹般康复以及返老还童的鲜活案例。这个闭关项目已经从实质意义上改变优化了许多学员的人生,也必将改变优化并验证于你! This unique program is designed and special teaching by Grandmaster! This will be your most unforgettable memory in your life and benefit your healing, rejuvenation and enlightenment as well! Register Now to get after retreat 36 days remote healing package! *该独一无二的特殊项目是保障成功的,20余年美国成功教学经验,个别设计小班制,面授机宜火候点化、信号接通式教学,均有师父本人亲自设计与执教。 受益的不仅是你的康健恢复青春盎然,更多的将是灵性的觉起,这也必将是你生命中的永远难忘。 Life is short, it is important to get quality life with health, longevity, Register earlier and Don't be late and miss the great opportunity! limited size. Register now! 生命何其短暂,重要的是有一个健康而高质量的人生,席位有限,趁早注册 1) Many Healing Miracles Was Made in Previous 20 Years, Famous Healing Technologies in the World 20年美国无数成功闭关案例,世界首屈一指的自然疗疾技术,闭中接通高维能量信号,该闭关价值无量,尤其是立即可证得高维信号与能量丹球实在太无价!这一切将由你自己接收验收并证实! “This Retreat Was Truly Priceless! Especially I got an Energy Ball!” Hear from students true feed backs: 学员真实反馈 Hal C (Hawaii, 夏威夷): This retreat was truly priceless! In fact, no amount of words can accurately describe the benefits I've gotten so far from the practice. I also feel a lot of energy in my hands and in my body when I do the Bigu without regular foods! 这个闭关班确实是无价的!事实上,无法用语言来描绘可以受益的程度。我也感觉到许多能量在我手上,身上,这却发生在我在做辟谷而不食普通食物的情况下。 John C.中医师 (Northern CA,SF, 北加州旧金山): During the retreat, I felt my body get very hot with a white swirling light. It first moved down to my heart charka which then opened with a pink light. I felt a wave of gratitude for this gift which brought tears to my eyes. It eventually moved to my lower dantian. My hands were very hot during the whole time of energy infusion. I see a strong white color with water and then feel my left shoulder pain gone! 在闭关班里,我常感到我的头顶非常热, 有白色的光纷飞着。第一次下移到我的心脉时是粉红色的光。我感到有一道优雅的光波这令我热泪盈眶。我看见一道很强的白光与水在一起,然后我的左肩痛消失了! Norma (Mexico, 墨西哥): In the retreat,I flew in a white lotus flower and I felt the air and the water all over my body. I was floating in the lotus and receive the sun rays and I felt a lot of pressure in my head and I saw water entering my third eye with a lot of energy. 在闭关班中,我乘着白色莲花在空中飞翔,我可以感觉到空气和水充满全身。在阳光里我飘在莲花中,头顶上似乎有许多压力,许多能量进入第三眼处。 Emmounail (England, 英国): I saw myself in a lotus with lights spinning and traveling up the clouds on a journey. I saw an old man with long white hair in the cloud in a deep meditation. 我看到自己是坐在莲花上在光中旋转着在云中飞翔,还看到一位在禅定中的白发老道。 Shirley K ( CA, 北加州 Milpitas): "During the retreat high energy qi filed, I feel very strong energy towards my up-Dantian .I felt I was floating. Then I feel the energy flowing on my head of Baihui and through both palms into my body. I am a repeating student and I feel excellent for this retreat. I am a repeating student and I feel excellent for this retreat." 在闭关高能场中感觉有漂浮感,尤其在上丹田区域可以感受到强烈的能量压力,并感觉能量光进入身体。 我是一位“回炉”学员,对这次闭关尤感绝妙。 Lily L: ( CA, 北加州 Kingsburg) : 2) To Learn More Info about Fundamental Healing Retreat: Fundamental Approach
The Greatest Value of This Program 该项目的最大价值点 This Fundamental Healing Retreat blends profound new knowledge and supreme techniques with your personal experiences to facilitate your spiritual awakening. 该根本性治疗班闭关班融合了深厚的新知识和超前技术,注重您自己个人的深切体验,以催化与成熟你的灵性觉醒。 * Successfully open universal energy channels so that from day one, you will not feel hungry, while the "energy ball" gets stronger & stronger supporting your BIGU. 闭关的第一天就成功始开人天能量通道并得到能量丹球,所以你就不会有任何饥饿出现 * Stay in a high-energy closed Qi field continuously for 3 Days, which gives you an energy foundation that is often worth 10 years of diligent practice. During the second part of Retreat (BIGU homework), Grandmaster offers remote energy supports & directions for 36 days. (if you register?earlier by the day, you will get 36days free package as reward). 你将经过足足两晚之封闭式高能场恰如在沁丹炉中深度冶炼, 如此强化筑基将省却你自己10余年专事费劲地练功; 而在闭关的第二阶段,即回家时,也能获得沁大师36天的远程 治疗与辟谷支持品等的支持(如果你能及早注册在指定日之前,就能获得免费赠与) * Acquire strong personal magnetism in a high energy Qi furnace. 在高能场内获得个性化高磁场之磁化 * Achieve sudden understanding through instant connection and verification. This wisdom can assist you greatly in healing and spiritual growth. 在即时"接通\验证"中获得顿悟, 而这种智慧也将反过来完成你身心的根本治疗与灵性增长 * Release fundamental toxins, including physical, emotional and spiritual software toxins to achieve the process of changing yourself inside out (bitter-sweet detoxification reactions) and eliminate potential hazards in body/mind/spirit. 排除与释放根本性毒素,包括身心灵等方面, 经过气冲病灶等以彻底完成自己有内到外的改造,清除身心灵的潜伏危险. Huge Savings in Time and Money 省却大量的时间与金钱 Time
saving: This 3 Days Intensive Retreat is equivalent to
ten year full time professional training in Healing, according
to many Qinway students with decades of prior training. Its
professional high level training can save you time, since beginning,
intermediate, and advanced classes are no longer needed.
Cost & Registration
The tuition for the Fundamental Healing & Rejuvenation Retreat is $1398. It will provide not only the 3-day highest energized BIGU supply, but also include an individual designed 36-day energized package with 36 days energized Bigu Supply, energized Fengshui objects and Energized wild food with your individual healing signals. The registration fee is $600. The remaining $798 is due on the first day of the retreat.
Please download and fill out a registration form (PDF).