Grandmaster's Questions

Qigong . Natural Healing . Rejuvenation . Special Abilities . Enlightenment


A Great spiritual education opportunity is open now! Answer Grandmaster’s questions below to get a Reward with "Surprise Gift "(different visible and/or invisible gift, depending on your answers).

Grandmaster’s Questions:

1) What kind of value do you believe the Qinway system has for all human beings, and how much do you know about the Qinway system?

2) What products and programs of the Qinway energy system have you experienced, and what were your experiences?

3) How serious and committed were you when you used any Qinway product or practiced any Qinway program? How exactly have you followed the directions, and how consistent were you?

4) What were the Benefits when you practiced Qinway programs or used the energized products or the energy website? Were your benefits in body, mind healing, or spiritual development, or all three areas?

5) What is your understanding of the channeling energized system through your benefits and inspiration?

6) With the completion of the first 10-year holy mission as Grandmaster has repeatedly and successfully verified the TRUTH, what would you guess is the next mission? If the world wants continual benefit from Qinway?

7) Do you believe when the previous manager seriously violated a legal agreement, is this a completely bad experience or may be a good experience for Qinway?

8) Why do you think this experience happened to Qinway's manager? What kind of people is the evil looking for, and what kind of people will be attached easily?

9) What is the lesson here for applying higher spiritual practice?

10) Why did this event happen to Qinway at this special time? What do you think this special timing means?

11) What lessons can be learned for the new Qinway organization and new management? What do you think is the universal meaning behind this event?

12) What are your suggestions for the operation of the Board of Executive Trustee management system (a non-profit Grandmaster Foundation)?

13) In your opinion do you feel this Qinway system came to the world too early?

14) How do you understand what an energized Channeling system is? In particular, how does the function of energy signals work for products? How many people do you think will accept this special concept in the current world?

15) Do you trust that energized products can be more effective than medicine and/or fitness exercises if you follow the best-result user guide, and spend the same amount of practice time each day? Why?

16) What kind of people do you will come to Qinway for the next holy management mission, and to develop the truth to help human beings’ body, mind & spirit? Can you make a good reference? or self introduction?

17) In your opinion, how can a management system be set up that really works? What important topics need to be included in the first Board of Executive Trustees meeting?

Qinway needs your help NOW!

18) How can you truly help Qinway at this moment in any areas?

* Provide financial support by making a virtue donation (http://www.qinway.org/virtue-tablet.htm).

* Become a Virtue Volunteer with relevant job skills in person (most needed) or remotely: translator, writer,web design, graphic design, lawyer, accounting, business department manager etc.

* .........

Please e-mail your answers to 930@qinway.org; qinway@hotmail.com.



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