My Parents Got True Healing &
Rejuvenation just in a Month!
- a True report by Vicky
"It happened like a miracle for me! Even I have practiced Qinway for over 3 years, this is amazing that it just happened within a month!
My parents are both over 70 years old, my Dad is 76 years old. They came to visit us from CA this October. To tell the truth, it's hard for them to accept the Retreat and Bigu program at the beginning. My Dad didn't believe that he can be healthy without any medicine. He finally agreed to join the Rejuvenation 3.2D Retreat in November after our big efforts. Now they are doing the Bigu program for a month already. My Dad was taking 8 kinds of medicines before the retreat. He felt much better and decided to reduce the drugs during the retreat. Now he stopped all 8 kinds of drugs and his blood pressure is still normal everyday and he has more energy as well!
我父母已年过70, 尤其我父亲已经76岁了。父母双亲在10月下旬从加州来访问我和孩子们。说到参加闭关班,说老实话,他一开始是非常有抵触情绪的,因为他根本不相信他可以不吃那么多西药就维持健康指标 在我的极力努力下,今年十一月二日他终于参加了3.2 D 返老还童闭关班。至今已一个多月。在班前我父亲吃8种西药,闭关班上由于感觉一天比一天好,所以就决定开始减药。至今他已停止服用所有药,而且现在每天血压都在正常值内, 精神比以前好多了!
At the 1st day of the retreat, my dad can only do the exercise for half hour and had to lay down to rest. Now he is doing the exercise 1 hour in the morning and 1 hour in the evening everyday. Two days ago we went out for a half day trip to a botanic garden in Oahu island, he walked for over 2 hours with good energy. He told me that his long term headache is gone now. His head does not feel numb any more. Especially his eyes are more bright to see the world. He lost 10 pounds in one month and he felt light and energetic. His legs are not as heavy as before.
My mom stopped her high blood pressure pill at the 1st day of the retreat. Her blood pressure is normal for a month now. She loves the exercise more and more, because it improved her sleeping quality and her joints are not hurt like before. Especially her eyes become more clear and bright.
My parents are very happy and decided to continue the Bigu program for 108 days, to complete this detoxification and rejuvenation program, and I am very happy as well. I think this is the best filial piety to let them achieve longevity with a real healthy and clean body together. That's the most important thing.
Honolulu, Vicky Bao
Dec 3, 2011