Suffering for "When the Unique Technological &

Spirituality System Encountered..."
Qigong Chinese

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Suffering for "When the Unique Technological and Spiritually System

--Currently an Unexpected Low Quality Management

Qinway System's suffers when the unique technological and spiritually advanced enlightenment system encountered with karmic hard testing, also with the unexpected low quality management of the Qinway system.

a) Recently Qinway is suffering for keeping the holy mission with a few very important projects, plans and schedule. The projects can really help human beings to deeply understand the unique system.
However Qinway has encountered a contretemps case which is unexpected. Current manager John suddenly left on October 11 without any advance notice and he took some money from Qinway's account without a word. He signed a contract with legal effects as a Qinway representative and one of the owners and he borrowed a huge amount in a business loan.
Because in the past, John never let others get involved with the management and refused to train and promote middle level full time managers and middle level translators, that seriously caused Grandmaster 10 years of many precious projects be suddenly aborted. It also caused the unique retreats to be canceled...Grandmaster also encountered very serious financial problems for the contretemps case.
Grandmaster is praying for John to win the battle with the evil and keep the virtue, and we just received John's very short apology e-mail today...
Grandmaster's comment :
This is a normal universal test in the spiritual field, once you are going to move to a higher spiritual level, testing is needed to check your mind if it is still strong and stable.

b) Although manager John's case is accidental, the big environment such as 3-D modern science and modern education has very limited understanding of Qinway. That has also caused the Qinway unique system to keep suffering.
Especially, the unique technological and spiritual advanced enlightenment system encountered karmic hard testing with the unexpected low quality management of the system.
Grandmaster had a vision which predicted that Qinway's holy mission might have a temporary dark period and it is hard for Qinway to pass through this bottleneck. It depends on if this unique system will be accepted in this century or not and is it the right time for Qinway? Please check : (http://www.qinway.org/Master-Prediction.htm)
And hopefuly the new board of executive trustees can bring the work effort with a pure heart to pass through the bottleneck. Best wishes!

c) This is a lesson from the universal high beings. As a completely developed spiritual technology system, Qinway needs to establish a Board of executive trustees soon. The management should set up a working TEAM, and the team should have great understanding and virtue. The CEO needs to assign different work tasks and responsibilities to each team member. They also need to be prepared and take precaution, to learn from the lesson of previous manager John.
Grandmaster feels sorry that her holy mission couldn't be focusing on the management. She expects karmic people to join Qinway's management team, so please apply now.
Becoming a Board of executive trustee member is a great virtue.
The great Virtue energy will be Huge and unlimited to benefit your life and next life.....




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