Qigong Newsletter

September 2005

I. What Is New

* Latest updates for the coming Spiritual Trip to China (10/9/05 - 10/23/05): Qigong Master Qinyin and John recently went to China twice to prepare for each details and lessons of this trip to make it a unique wondeful experience for participants. An unexpected surprise is that all participants in this trip will be able to participate in a Buddhist Temple Initiation Ceremony attended by abbots and abbesses from leading Chinese temples and other celebrities. There are still room in this limited trip. Call 818-704-1882 immediately if you wish to join!

* The annual 9/30 free remote healing: Time is getting very close, but you can still sign up if you haven't done so. All you need to do is to order one set Yin-Yang Healing Tea online at www.qinway.org, e-mail 930@qinway.org. For those have registered, you will receive an e-mail remote healing instruction shortly before 9/30.

II. Qinway Qigong Students Speak - Elias' Story

Below was a letter from Elias reporting his significant rejuvenation experience after attending a Special Abilities Rejuvenation Retreat on August 11, 2005.

qigong hair

Elias' hair 7 days after retreat
qigong hair

Elias' hair 13 days after retreat

Honorable Qigong Grandmaster Qinyin

Dear John,

Thank you very much for your support and your guidance during the retreat. I would like to report the following developments hoping to be of help and encouragement to other students. You may use my testimony and my attached pictures any way you deem helpful to others.

During exercise my palms and feet become redder in color and some of the color stays even after exercise. Hands and feet get sweaty and warm.

My skin vibrates differently (brighter & healthier).

I have a lot of energy throughout the day and night. I usually stay up till 12am midnight, and at times I stay up till 2am reading and writing articles. I don’t feel sleepy or tired during these nights and I wake up refreshed. I sleep deeper and more comfortably.

During exercise I feel a lot of energy in my palms (laogong point) and in middle finger as if holding a small fiery ball.

I feel the internal movement inside me as if a ball is rolling.

My hair, beard, and mustache are regaining its black color. I noticed that on the 7th day after starting the retreat. The color increased with days. I am attaching 2 pictures of my hair; one on the 7th day, the other on the 13th (see below). Unfortunately I don't have before and after pictures. Yet you could see a difference.

On the spiritual level I am becoming more open to and more optimistic about life.

I am becoming calmer and more mindful in my daily affairs.

I am happier and more acceptable to others.

I am enjoy the exercises and experience an inner smile while performing them. At times I also catch an external smile too.

Reading the book has been very helpful for me.

Thank you very much.

