Qinway Qigong Founder Qinyin was born in Hangzhou in southern China. At the age of 3 she was taught to sit in meditation by her grandmother. By the time she was ten years old, she was able to "dispel the clouds and see the sun". This practice was the start of a lifelong dedication to the study of ancient Chinese philosophy that speaks of "the unity of mankind with the universe".
While continuing to teach philosophy at the University, she was invited by the Chinese Qigong Research Society and the Chinese Somatic Science Association to give Qigong workshops. Her Qigong workshops presented traditional Qigong methods combined with those she developed that focused on strengthening the individual’s health and well being. The response was overwhelming. By 1991 she had left her teaching post at the University and established The Purple Bamboo Qigong College. Her teachings were dedicated to the ancient methods of natural Qigong healing. Some spectacular effects were achieved and word of mouth soon drew significant attention and praise from Zhenhuan Zhang, President of the Chinese Qigong Research Society "for bringing a great benefit to the whole society". Qigong Master Qinyin noticed that most people attending the Qigong College led very busy, contemporary lives, and as a consequence, had difficulty with the complex and at times obscure lessons of traditional Qigong. Qinyin decided to take a sabbatical from teaching and sought out legendary Qigong masters in order to go deeper and develop a new, contemporary approach to Qigong. After enduring much hardship and repeated exploration and experimentation, she developed a set of simple, clear and powerful Qigong exercises. Master Qinyin introduced her new Qigong program The Qin Way to Health and Rejuvenation (Qinway Qigong). It was so successful that by early 1997 it had become one of the most acclaimed versions of Qigong in China and was endorsed by the Central Government at the First National Conference of Public Health and Qigong. Widely recognized as the foremost Qigong practitioner and innovator, Master Qinyin was invited to give a Qigong presentation and lead a workshop at the Second World Qigong Congress in San Francisco. The uniqueness of Qinway Qigong and its appeal and appropriateness for western audiences was apparent immediately. Master Qinyin was encouraged to bring her Qigong teachings to the west. She established the Qinway Qigong Institute in Honolulu, HI, where she works closely with a growing following of Qigong students.