Qigong Newsletter

February 04

1. Qigong News

* Yin-Yang Healing Tea energized by Qigong master Qinyin now comes in beautifully designed boxes! Each box contains either 18 bags of Yin tea or Yang tea. It is certainly a great gift idea for your loved one, as it can bring them health and good energy. For more info, visit www.qinway.org/qigong_tea.htm.

* There are still spaces left for the coming Fundamental Healing Retreat, Special Abilities, and Awakening Certification Qigong Retreat in early March.

* Qigong Master Qinyin is going to lead a Qigong seminar at Body/Mind/Spirit Expo in San Diego (Scottish Rite Center) on February 28, Sunday 4pm. Welcome people from San Diego area to join us!

2. Qigong Student Feedbacks

The energy is wonderful during the Qigong Retreat. - Scott, Santa Ana, 1/31/04 (Note: Scott is still deepening his Qigong bigu (energized fasting) as of today 2/16/04).

My most impressive discovery in the Qigong retreat was how Qigong bigu can be done without feeling hungry. - George, Fremont, CA, 1/31/04

I realized the benefits of multiple Qigong sessions in a day for increasing energy, mental clarity and feeling of well-being. -Brent, Dana Point, 1/31/04

I am grateful for the new awareness I have about food and toxins and the need to cleanse the system regularly. I had very good eating habits before, and now am even more "enlightened." - G. J., San Diego, 1/26/04

3. Beginner's Corner: What Is Qigong?

Qigong (Chi Kung) is an ancient Chinese health science that works with energy through movements and meditation. Qigong is considered the cornerstone of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM). It is said to help cure and prevent diseases, strengthen the body, and make one feel younger and live longer. "Qi" means energy, and "gong" means to work with this energy.

When one has a high level of Qi (energy), one's health will be good. When our Qi level is low, it is usually symptomatic of blockage in the meridians that Qi travels through. This will cause a problem and toxins and disease set in. Toxic material is taken into our bodies by bad diet, alcohol, drugs, cigarettes, polluted air and stress.

Qinway Qigong was founded by Qigong Master Qinyin. It is a set of special techniques that can increase the amount of vital Qi in the body to form a sufficient pressure to remove toxins. One main characteristic of Qinway Qigong is the opening up of energy channels between the human being and the universe to accelerate the Qigong healing process.

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