Qigong Newsletter
July 2002
Qigong Students Speak
Susan (San Leandro, CA): My Qigong bigu is going well; I feel fine with plenty of energy, clear head, ease in sleeping and calm nerves. Soon I will enter the transition phase although I expect to continue to eat lightly with focus on vegetables. I plan to do Qigong bigu 6 days/month.Arleen (San Mateo, CA): July 4th the first day of Qigong remote healing: I felt tingling of the soles of my feet and top of my head. Then I felt tingling from my feet to my chest. My body jerked a few times from the middle of my spine (my back). When I awoke---still in a sleepy state--- early the next morning, (July 5th), I "saw" a round shield fly off my chest and also, felt an energy sensation follow the shield. It was a profound experience. The next day of Qigong healing, July 5th,I messed up---I fell asleep waiting for 10:30pm to come around and woke a few minutes before 11pm. I tried to do the phase l part but, was not enough time. I then did the phase 2 part. In the early AM when I awoke for a few minutes, I felt 3 waves of a transparent "cupped" energy. Just like a jellyfish on it's side. I did not feel any tingling. My chest area felt a little lighter, but, my throat and upper chest felt slightly tight. Tonight, I feel good and ready for bed--sleep.
Qigong (Chi Kung) is an ancient Chinese health science that works with energy through movements and meditation. Qigong is considered the cornerstone of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM). It is said to help cure and prevent diseases, strengthen the body, and make one feel younger and live longer. "Qi" means energy, and "gong" means to work with this energy. Beginner's Corner: What Is Qigong?
When one has a high level of Qi (energy), one's health will be good. When our Qi level is low, it is usually symptomatic of blockage in the meridians that Qi travels through. This will cause a problem and toxins and disease set in. Toxic material is taken into our bodies by bad diet, alcohol, drugs, cigarettes, polluted air and stress.
Qinway Qigong was founded by Qigong Master Qinyin. It is a set of special techniques that can increase the amount of vital Qi in the body to form a sufficient pressure to remove toxins. One main characteristic of Qinway Qigong is the opening up of energy channels between the human being and the universe to accelerate the healing process.