1. Qigong Certification Gets Off To An Auspicious Start!
(by Qinwind)
It was an exciting and rigorous Qigong weekend filled with lots of theory, practice and correction. Eight aspiring candidates, including three residential staff members, were participating in Qinway Qigong Institute’s first Level I Qigong Instructor certification intensive (held June 21-23rd). From morning to night, candidates engaged in didactic Qigong training augmented by student-to-student critiquing segments. Qigong Master allowed us several opportunities to practice "smoothing Qi in sleep" throughout the first day.
In the technical Qigong training session, Qigong Master Qinyin had each of us give his or her understanding of an Qigong exercise and demonstrate the technique. In the beginning, each candidate moved confidently to the front of the dojo, sure he would do reasonably well, only to have Sifu scowl and shout “No! Wrong!” in the traditional manner of the strict Taoist Qigong master.
"Our Qigong instructors must be the best!" Qigong Master would say. Then, demonstrating correct posture and movement, she'd explain about the proper hand and body alignment necessary for Wuji (primordial energy) to flood the Middle Way (Taiji pole).
Every Qigong student practiced hard. We repeated each technique again and again, until she clapped and said, "Good! Next!" And, when the last student finished, we sat. As Qigong Sifu began the deeper teaching, she said, "You must know what you have. Now, I make it easy for you."
With Buddhist compassion, she taught us that magnetic resonance with a true Qigong Master was superior to even the best technique. Suddenly a light began to come on in our heads and we were grateful to be her first Qigong instructor-students. We understood that with our intention and Qinway Qigong's high technology, we were connecting to the eternal signals of enlightened masters who have left the earth realm for the purpose of continuing and perhaps fulfilling the bodhisavata’s divine mission. Sensing our awakening, she went further, sharing technique about how to arrange a spiritual, healing qi field and the purpose and benefits of correct mudras.
We completed our Qigong exams and chatted nervously despite Qigong Master's assurance that we had done well. Late Sunday evening, one-by-one, John would call us and give us our certificates. A hoot of delight resounded in the air each time! Alas, for me – no certificate. “I hold Institute staff to an even higher standard,” Qigong Master said sternly. “You must practice more and work on your emotions.” I went to bed angry. But, the next morning I awoke refreshed and satisfied. She was right. Happily, I went about my chores knowing that one day soon, I would see her smile because I will have become the best I can be.
What about you? Are you ready to know your true self? What is your purpose – do you know? I believe it is everyone’s karma who has met Qigong Master to seriously consider these questions. In the West, we are used to going to the doctor when we are ill and once well, we forget about him until we are sick again.
But, in China, when students are helped by a Qigong master, many realize it is not just human help but spiritual intervention-- arranged by the universe to point them towards their ultimate destiny. They usually start by assisting in the Qigong Master’s work and in doing so, awaken to their purpose. If you are wondering where to start or go in your desire to help people, consider our Qigong faculty program. It just may be the next step of your journey.
2. Qigong Students Speak:
Mary (Fremont, CA): My nasal allergy has already cured after the Qigong retreat. That means I don't need Nasal Decongestant any more. I have suffered for nasal congesting for 7 years.
Susan (San Leandro, CA): This is the most amazing thing! I have not had any allergy symptoms since I began this Qigong fast -- I have monitored myself carefully to make sure I wasn't imagining it! I have suffered from sinus problems and itching eyes all my life and have been diagnosed via allergy testing with allergies to tree and weed pollens, dusts, molds, cats and dogs. We have 2 dogs and a cat by the way. This is a very pleasant surprise!
Since the Qigong retreat, my blood sugar has been normal and I am taking no medication. I was taking 850 mgs of metformin twice a day. I am off all medication except Zestril and aspirin which I take for blood pressure. Also I have not been taking any of the vitamins and minerals I was previously taking. I have been surprised that I have not lost more weight but not worried about that. My weight loss so far is 8.5 pounds. I feel great, quite energetic and while I sleep well, I am not sleeping so much as before although I do fall asleep during my noon smoothing qi in sleep. I feel truly confident that I am conquering my several chronic and deteriorating health conditions.
Barbara (Redwood City, CA): I am not sure what is happening, but my personal space seems to be improving yet again. Thanks! I enjoyed the Qigong certification program very much, and would like to be reevaluated for 'precision' after a couple of weeks.
Saam (Berkeley, CA): My backyard's energy and the building's has improved (following Qigong Master Qinyin's fengshui consultation and installing Bagua mirrors)...