Qigong Newsletter
June 2002, Issue #21. Qigong Knowledge: What “bitter melon” can do for you…
The Full Moon Seminar on June 2 was well attended, as usual. Sixteen Qinway Qigong students joined Qigong Master Qinyin, who gave an interesting and informative lesson on “Vegetables for Therapeutic Use.” You may find a few excerpts from her lesson useful in planning your diet.
Bitter Melon – Reduces fire. Has 17 times more vitamin C than apples, and 6 times more than tomatoes. Can be used for: healing cancers, detoxification, improving eyesight (fire causes fogginess). Blanch, add a little sugar and sesame oil.
White Fungus – High in phosphorus, iron and calcium. Use for lungs, phlegm, blocked intestines, immune system (allergies), hypertension and hardening of the arteries. Good for the brain, hair and skin.
Hot Peppers – High in vitamin C and calcium. Use to eliminate dampness, cold qi, hormone imbalance. When you have hot & cold syndrome simultaneously in your body, avoid hot peppers.
2. Qigong Students Speak:
Eliezer (East Palo Alto): I truly enjoyed the Qigong program. On my first day back home, he didn’t notice how aware I was until I saw a friend who said how present I looked.
Kaye (Maryland): I had several reasons for attending the Qigong retreat given by Qigong Master Qinyin: mental stress, grief, a desire to lose weight and become rejuvenated. I found the Qigong program easy to follow. The Qigong exercises were gentle, the meditation calming, and my hunger was easily satisfied by the amount and quality of the food allowed on the Qigong bigu. I began to see positive results after just a few days, and by following the program for the necessary 11 days, benefits were even better. I was, of course, very pleased, so I have continued to follow this gentle but powerful Qigong program. Today I am wearing a size-4 suit that I had not been able to get into in four years! My friends comment on my youthful appearance and physical energy (I am 65 years old). I feel a mental calmness and peace that I have not been able to achieve since the loss of my husband and mother, and retirement from a position that was so stressful it was affecting my physical and mental health. I have no hesitation in recommending this Qigong system.
Winnie (San Francisco): Last month I attended the Qinway Qigong Energy RechargeWorkshop. It really has made a difference. Now I don’t need to eat as much as before, and I have lost almost seven pounds.