1. Qigong Story: Invisible Spiritual Needle
Needle is an essential tool for acupuncture. Can Qigong use needle too? Yes, and it is a refined one - invisible spiritual needle. This happened at Qigong Master Qinyin's "Special Abilities and Applications" (II) class on March 17. Qigong Students were amazed when they received these apparently "weighty" invisible needles. When they tried to use these airy needles on their bodies, they experienced laser-like different sensations, such as tingling, hotness etc. After the practice session was finished, every student prayed "thank-you" to the Three Systems (Quanyin Buddha, Medicine Buddha and Qinway Qigong System) for these unusual gifts. The last step was - where are going to put these invisible needles? Some said to put it in the ear, some said ...Obviously, under Qigong Master Qinyin's directions, students had started to think about this question and more profound universal truth.
2. Qigong Student Feedback
* [3/24/02] I hiked alone in the mountains today in full sun and wind for almost three hours. Can you believe it on day 10 of the Qigong fast? I can feel I am getting my energy back and I am considering seriously doing a 3 day Qigong fast every month, now. (Marie, San Francisco)
* [3/24/02] The Qigong healing (during Free Group Qigong Healing) was very strong. I felt a lot of very sweet soft and yet very vibrant Qi filling my auric field and body. I became deeply relaxed, my upper chakras very energized, my intestines still are rumbling with gas but feel subtly energized and nurtured. My heart feels very light and ecstatic, my mind calm, clear and energized. (Irene, San Francisco)
* [3/27/02] Two mornings ago, you (Qigong Master Qinyin) came to me about 6:30am my time when I was just in that place betwee sleep and wakefulness. You were teaching me about the true relationship of Qigong master and disciple. You were speaking about true understanding and wisdom and that the teaching is without words but is understood by heart. (Diane, Maryland)
* [3/30/02] (In this Qigong retreat) During the tree experience, I experienced freedom from the opinion of others. Found more power and compassion within myself. Made a commitment to be in better touch with Qinway Qigong during and after the Qigong fast. (Rachel, Santa Cruz)