1. Qigong Story: Crippled Li
"Crippled Li" is one of the "Eight Taoist Immortals" known in China almost by everyone. Why was an immortal crippled? This actually invokes an interesting story.
Li used to be a handsome young man. He liked playing Chinese chess very much. Once he told his disciples that he would be away for six days to play chess with his friend in heaven. Of course, he meant that his spirit would depart while his body staying behind motionless. Six days passed, and Li was still very much into chess-playing. He forgot his promise to return in six days. His disciples waited until the 7th day came. They were very disappointed and concluded that their master had died and would never return. So they cremated his body.
After Li fully enjoyed chess-playing and returned, he was anxious to find out where his body was. He looked and looked, and there was only ashes. Since Li still had a mission on earth, he could not just return to heaven. The time was now approaching the limit. He had to find a body before the day dawns. Suddenly, Li saw a crippled beggar on the road, who was almost frozen to death. Without any other choices, Li became that ugly beggar. Thus the disciples got their master back, but now a beggar master.
2. Qigong Student Feedback
* [3/14/02] On the 10th day of my Qigong fast, I was under severe psychic attack from an old friend (past life karma). It got so intense that I had to walk away! During my 2 hour walk, I experienced diarrhea, releasing a considerable amount of nasty black stinky toxin. When I awoke on day 11th, I knew I was clear in a way I have not experienced in a very very long time. I finally confronted my friend and brought everything to the surface. It feels as though the whole community has received a Qigong healing. Incidentally, my friend also experienced the diarrhea at the same time! (Fleche, Muir Beach, CA)
* [2/19/02] The Qigong retreat has helped heal my chronic sinus condition. (Ling, Fresno, CA)
3. What Is Qigong?
Qigong (Chi Kung) is an ancient Chinese health science that works with energy through movements and meditation. Qigong is considered the cornerstone of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM). It is said to help cure and prevent diseases, strengthen the body, and make one feel younger and live longer. "Qi" means energy, and "gong" means to work with this energy.
When one has a high level of Qi (energy), one's health will be good. When our Qi level is low, it is usually symptomatic of blockage in the meridians that Qi travels through. This will cause a problem and toxins and disease set in. Toxic material is taken into our bodies by bad diet, alcohol, drugs, cigarettes, polluted air and stress.
Qinway Qigong was founded by Qigong Master Qinyin. It is a set of special techniques that can increase the amount of vital Qi in the body to form a sufficient pressure to remove toxins. One main characteristic of Qinway Qigong is the opening up of energy channels between the human being and the universe to accelerate the healing process.