Qigong Newsletter
December 2001
1. Qigong Student Feedback
* [11/26/01] During my Qigong fast, I lost 10 lb and discharged very smelly stools . (Miwako, San Jose, CA)
* [11/23/01] First of all thanks for your help and support during the Qigong retreat. I am staying with the Qigong program pretty well. I do 2 hours of Qinway Qigong every day, and about 2 cups of raw fruits and vegetables. My energy level generally is good sometimes very good. (Steve Malloy, New Mexico)
* [11/22/01] Have noticed doubt and toxic mind highest when fatigued. Past life clearing occurred on 11/20. I discharged very smelly stools during Qigong fast, and had burning uterus (ovaries - uterus imbalance before Qigong retreat). (Laurel, San Jose, CA)
* [11/18/01] (Special Abilities and Applications I) Palm diagnosis is very helpful. Having clarification of what correct organ feelings should be. My greatest experience is learning the actual Qigong healing techniques and self protection methods. (Tim, Sunnyvale)
* [11/18/01] (Special Abilities and Applications I) I saw Tim's aura above his head and out over my palms during the Qigong class. (George, New Mexico)
2. Qigong Story: Three Stories of Rejuvenation (Story 1)
Governor Liu'an of the Han Dynasty admired the Taoist methods of immortality very much. He offered a great salary to find such private tutors.
One day, eight old men with white beard came to his door. They claimed that they could teach him techniques to longevity and eternal youth. Liu'an was incredulous, “If you know immortality techniques, how could you get so old yourselves?” These old men understood Liu'an’s skepticism, and suddenly changed themselves into eight brisk boys. Liu'an scrambled to welcome them.
Qigong (Chi Kung) is an ancient Chinese health science that works with energy through movements and meditation. Qigong is considered the cornerstone of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM). It is said to help cure and prevent diseases, strengthen the body, and make one feel younger and live longer. "Qi" means energy, and "gong" means to work with this energy. 3. Beginner's Corner: What Is Qigong?
When one has a high level of Qi (energy), one's health will be good. When our Qi level is low, it is usually symptomatic of blockage in the meridians that Qi travels through. This will cause a problem and toxins and disease set in. Toxic material is taken into our bodies by bad diet, alcohol, drugs, cigarettes, polluted air and stress.
Qinway Qigong was founded Master Qinyin. It is a set of special techniques that can increase the amount of vital Qi in the body to form a sufficient pressure to remove toxins. One main characteristic of Qinway Qigong is the opening up of energy channels between the human being and the universe to accelerate the healing process.