1. Qigong Student feedback:
Qigong Master Qinyin recently offered Qinway Qigong workshops at National Qigong Association Conference (Omega Institute, NY), Manhattan, NY, Orlando, FL and Mount Madonna Center, CA. When asked "what impressed you the most during the Qigong workshop", students responded,
NQA Conference Students
* Experience pulses of energy during Qigong exercises, realized toxins leaving lower intestine - going into ground, realized bright lights above my head. (Louise)
* Good direction, good energy field, good Qigong exercise. (Marie)
* Qigong master Qinyin (Charlie)
* The Qigong instructor's voice - clear, forthright, spiritually cleansing. (Alan)
* The different Qigong methods to detoxify the body. (Barbara)
* Tremor in legs late in 7 minutes, numbness in arms toward end. Became easier with conscious effort to release. Lightening and energizing Qigong. (Nancy)
* Nice aura around Qigong Master Qinyin. Beautiful smile. She loves what she does. You can sense compassion in her. (Steve)
* The Qigong master's accurate diagnostic ability. (Marta)
* The individual feedback. (Jane)
* I like the two Qigong practices we did and the sounds - very easy and effective. (Joyce)
* I found detoxification Qigong exercises helpful. After a considerable period of burning in legs, I was able to release a large part of the feeling down into earth and release the burning. (Judy)
* The Qigong was very effective. (Ece)
* How to connect to universe through Qigong. (Kathy)
New York City Students
* The energy I felt was different from other energy experiences I have had. It was very grounded and deep, and I felt it run through my body in a bubbling pulsating way. Almost like drum vibrations. (Rebecca)
* I felt an energetic cleansing in my body and feel lighter. (Karen)
* The detail attention paid to internal qi cultivation. (Matthew)
* The different stances and Qigong exercises, massaging of pressure points. I found these very helpful. Detoxification and spiritual aspects as well. (Jennifer)
Orlando Students
* This Qigong seems easy to follow. Experience positive energy. (Marcia)
* The sensation of my energy shifting - my body blockages softened in my neck, my organs shifted and the teacher's ability to project energy. (Jason)
* Feeling more focused. (Steve)
* When doing the of high pressure Qigong exercise, I became happy - like laughing, then found it easier to go lower. (William)
Mount Madonna Center Students
* The lightness and gentleness of the Qigong exercises. (Christian)
* During the high pressure Qigong exercise, I felt heat moving throughout my body - shaking and rocking from side to side - I also felt the energy beneath my hands as I held it down. (Kathleen)
* Feeling of vibratory energy pulses during Qigong exercise. (Mark)
* I felt my energy field become stronger, but continued to experience much pain in my knees, shoulders and back. (Donna)
* Good news: cramps gone and no more nausea at the moment, which I've had for past 3 days per premenstrual. (Saraswati)
* Intense heat during Qigong exercise. I'm experiencing a throbbing headache at the front top part of my head. (Terri)
* I followed through with the Qigong exercises and I learned a lot from Qigong Master Qinyin about my imbalances. (David)
* I feel light headed, relaxed emotionally and spiritually. (Sandra)
* As I felt the universal energy, I also felt pain leaving. I was energized that I was able to complete the Qigong exercises!" (Brenda)2. Qigong Story: The Potatoes Have Sprouted!
Master Xuyun (1839 - 1959) was a modern Ch'an (Zen) patriarch, who survived the late Qing dynasty in China, Japanese occupation and Communist Red Guards. Xuyun literally means "empty cloud". It is said that he would not die until he was ready, until he accomplished the tasks that he set for himself.
One day, Xuyun carried a pot of potatoes passing by a tree. He decided to rest for a while under the tree. He put the potatoes on the ground, and soon entered a deep meditation. When he finished his meditation, guess what, all the potatoes had sprouted!
It may be hard for ordinary people to imagine how Xuyun could sit motionless for such a long time. According to Qigong Master Qinyin, when you are in a really empty state and forget yourself, a long time would just feel like an instant.