Special Ability Rejuvenation Retreat
with Grandmaster Qinyin
limited size for individual directions in person
The next Retreat will be offered during August
Thurday 4:30pm - August 28, Sunday, 4:30pm, 2006
in Honolulu, HI. This will be the only Retreat in 2006.
Look 10 year younger & save 10 year practice in just a month*
Stay in a high-energy Bigu furnace for 72 hours. Live on immortal
qi to remove disease roots and become medicine-free immediately. Open
energy channels, and learn ancient secret Bigu techniques. Activate
and verify special abilities on the spot, including crown infusion,
ocean spirit connection, 3rd eye opening, remote diagnosis, soul travel
and invisible Wuji Needle. Qigong Instructor certification. Step to
* As long as you follow master's directions.