Qigong Newsletter

March 2005

Qinway Qigong Students Speak

* I know my overall available energy is increasing because now I can walk BRISKLY without tiring or breathing heavy whereas before I had to walk slowly to not tire. My cognition in general is quicker, lighter and those former brief lapses of memory are occurring less often. I am also able to control or neutralize negative emotions easier. Just 2 days ago I noticed my fingernails were MUCH pinker than before.  They were always pale before. This month my period felt wonderful, very healthy, as though the entire process had been rejuvenated. Hard to explain how light I felt. No liver symptoms at all. My reflexes are notably FASTER. This is excellent because of longstanding thyroid deficiency and thyroid/endocrine imbalances which are being improved. (R. D., Idaho) 

* Lost weight 43 lbs. Yes!!!! My left elbow has been feeling good. (S. H., Minnesota)

* The one thing that the Bigu has helped me do is change my diet. I am eating more vegetables and less meat. For example my lunch is usually a salad, apple and some nuts. Surprisingly that fills me up for the rest of the working hours. (T. S., Tennessee)

* As I approach 8 months of continuous Bigu, it is clear to me that the value of Bigu to my physical, emotional and spiritual health is not yet understood.  Certainly there has been tremendous clensing of the body. The skin shines and many people comment regularly about the shining. Emotionally, it is much easier to find clearity about how I feel and what that is about without mis-directing my emotions. Spiritually the Bigu energized detoxification of bad energy has made room for a greater ability and connection spiritual, to manifest.  (R. H. California)

* One of the most amazing things during my Bigu is the sensitivity that has started happening that I missed before Bigu.  It is so beautiful!  Even when a situation is not so positive it is definitely a good thing to have a greater awareness.  The light is poring in to me!  (M.S. Califorina)