Qigong Newsletter

August 2004

1. 9/30 Qigong Remote Healing Day

Need help from universal energy? Curious to experience universal energy? A unique opportunity is coming on September 30, which is a special time-space field celebrated by Qinway Qigong students annually. You will receive an hour of free* remote healing ($60 value) transmitted by Qigong Founder Qinyin and the Qinway Qigong System on September 30, 2004.

*To sign up and support us, please provide your name, address, and order 1 set of 18 day Yin-Yang Healing Tea ($18 + $3 s&h, Visa, MasterCard ok, $10 s&h for out of US address) to enhance the healing effects. Or you may order 3 day bigu supplies to qualify for 930 remote Qigong healing. We will send you the tea/bigu supplies and remote Qigong healing instructions promptly.

E-mail 930@qinway.org to sign up today! Anyone can participate, including your friends who have never practiced Qinway Qigong.

2. Qigong Students Speak

[E. P.]
QigongI received amazing results from the Qigong retreat on 7/9. My diabetes was healed such that my blood pressure and sugar level all returned to normal without any medication! I was so happy that I brought my family (my 76-year-old mother, my wife, a 12-year-old son and a 6-year-old son, see right picture) to Qinway Qigong Institute to attend
the entire 72-hour Awakening Certification Qigong Retreat. I couldn't think of any other better gift for them.

[R. H.]
My attitude is changing as to the speed which things need to occur after taking the Qigong retreat! Where I have been fairly impatient or with most things I have had the good fortune to get results really fast, I know am resigned and clear that a new way of life is upon me. To just continue and let BE what will be is happening more so while a deepen connection and satisfaction is established in a growing manner.

I felt beautiful Qinway Qigong energy today. Tonight when I sat to meditate my mind was more quiet than I can ever remember it being. So with great spiritual help it seems that this time which is difficult personally is also an opportunity to make some welcome progress in my practice. Thank you to Qinway Qigong, and all the wonderful buddhas and boddhisatvas!

[W. H.]
I am writing to let you know that I am doing very well. I continue to practice Qinway Qigong 2hrs/day. I am gradually getting my weight back, but that is not a big concern. I am finding that I feel calmer and have greater stamina through out the day.

3. Beginner's Corner: What Is Qigong?

Qigong (Chi Kung) is an ancient Chinese health science that works with energy through movements and meditation. Qigong is considered the cornerstone of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM). It is said to help cure and prevent diseases, strengthen the body, and make one feel younger and live longer. "Qi" means energy, and "gong" means to work with this energy. Qinway Qigong was founded Master Qinyin. It is a set of special techniques that can increase the amount of vital Qi in the body to form a sufficient pressure to remove toxins. One main characteristic of Qinway Qigong is the opening up of energy channels between the human being and the universe to accelerate the healing process.

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