November 2001, Issue# 1
1. Qigong Student Feedback
* [Oct. 13, 2001] I went on 6 day Qigong fast under Qigong Master Qinyin's guidance and today is the 6th day of mini fasting. Before I came to NQA, Rhinecliff, NY, I weighed 257 lbs. Today, I am happy to report I weighed 233 lbs with no side effects. I practice Qinyin qigong twice a day. I will continue to practice Qinway Qigong after fasting is over and hope to see more of surprises of Qinway Qigong in future.
* I want to tell you about what I had experience the next morning after attending Master Qinyin's Qigong retreat last monday. Early in the morning, I saw two suns and then Qigong Master Qinyin appeared. She looked like she was meditating for me. I have not told anyone about this dream, because they will think I am getting loco. It happened. (Steve, IL, writing to Joshua, who helped translate Master Qinyin's workshop at National Qigong Conference. Steve's hearing was born defective.)
* [Oct.18, 2001] We've been settling down after the wonderful trip up north and the equally wonderful experience with Qigong Master Qinyin. We have done very well on the Qigong fast. While we have both lost 10 lbs. each and are feeling wonderful, we are quite sore from doing the body work twice a day, but keep going in regular Qigong practice as we know it is bringing in a lot of qi and detoxing.
[Oct. 26, 2001] It's Friday morning. What a wonderful day. I cannot tell you how much differently David and I have been feeling since beginning this Qigong program. It is beautiful. More strength and energy, placid mental state, joyous feeling, and much love is flowing between us. (David and Brenda, Los Angeles, CA)
* [Oct. 19, 2001] When I was giving myself an option not to do it (Qigong fasting), it was hard; once I made up my mind that I didn't have that option and I was going to do it, it became very very easy. I have a lot of energy. I didn't sleep as long, but I slept well. ... I really felt very very clean. My energy was clean, and my body was clean. I noticed that my tongue started to coat, and the ridges of my tongue started to have sores, and after a while they went away. I was truly amazed how calm I was, because it was a hectic day. (Patricia, Martinez, CA)
* [Oct. 26, 2001] Counting today I have fasted 9 days and still fasting. I am feeling fine. I had a bowel movement this morning, passing out small amount of bad smelling stool. I don't feel hungry most of the time. At work, whenever I feel tired or dizzy I go outside and do walking Qigong for 1/2 hour and I feel better after that.
* [Oct. 30, 2001] Today I stop the Qigong fast that ends my 11 day fast. In general I am feeling fine. I notice that my eyesight improves a little bit, and my skin is brighter. After fasting about a week, I feel a lot of energy from the Qigong CD specially the type 2 CD when I do the Qigong exercises. (Tuan, Sunnyvale, CA)
* [Oct. 31, 2001] Aloha! My Qigong fast went wonderfully and I'm continuing my detoxification through this week. I am sleeping less and have amazing levels of energy. The gift that your Qigong program gave me is to be able to lead my active life without caffeine! I really never thought it possible. (Terri, Hawaii)
2. Qigong Story: Merit and Virtue
Once at a temple in a deep mountain, there were an old monk, who was the abbot, and a little monk. The old monk saw the aura of the little monk was almost black, and knew that the little monk would not live over three months. So he found an excuse and dismissed the little monk, because he did not want the little monk to die in his temple.
The little monk would like to stay, but this was no longer an option. So he left the temple. On his way down the mountain, he was caught in a sudden rainfall. He soon found out that the plight of a host of ants was even worse - they were trapped in a little mound that was rapidly disspearing into the ever approaching "flood". He quickly took a piece of wood and built a bridge for the ants before it was too late. All the ants were thus saved and grateful for the little monk.
Three months later, the little monk returned to visit the old monk. The old monk was surprised to see that the little monk was not only alive, but his aura had also become large and bright. Do you know why the little monk could increase his longevity?
3. Qigong News
* During April 8-21, 2002, Qigong Master Qinyin will lead a Qigong Trip to China. We will visit two of the four Buddhist holy mountains in China - Puto and Jiuhua, and the cultural and historic city of Hangzhou.
* 35 of the 100 openings for the Nov. 11 Free Group Qigong Healing are still available. If you are interested, please register as soon as possible.
* Qinway Qigong Institute welcomes volunteers. Do you want to help other sentient beings while improving yourself? Qinway Qigong Institute now offers this unique opportunity of volunteering in a high energy qi field. Additional benefits include discounts for attending Qinway Qigong programs. Please e-mail or call (760)717-1258 for details.
* At full moon seminar (10/28), Qigong Master Qinyin talked about (1) the acid-alkaline balance of diet and foods that are mildly or strongly acidic; (2) winter healthcare and Qigong practice - focusing on cultivating Qi; (3) food as a healing tool for hypertension, anemia or menopause.
* An article by Qigong Master Qinyin, titled "Qigong Mistakes", has been accepted by The Empty Vessel Magazine, and will be forthcoming soon.