Qigong Newsletter
October 2001 Issue #1
1. Qigong Story: Ji Gong's Aura
Ji Gong was a lengendary Chinese Buddhist, who attained the level of enlightenment without sacrificing his unique humor. He was a typical case of "letting wine and meat go through the intestines, while holding fast to Buddha in the heart". Once there were three self-righteous monks who challenged Ji Gong. They chased Ji Gong, and Ji Gong just played with them. Finally, Ji Gong got bored and did not want to play any more. He suddenly took his hat off, and the three monks stood in awe to see his colorful aura extending up to the sky. They were convinced of Ji Gong's true power and fled.
2. Qigong Journey to the Beyond
(by Rachel)
On Sept. 16th, a small group of Qinway Qigong students and I traveled to the heavens and beyond. Riding on a lotus ship and accompanied by sounds of thunder, high seas, and tropical rainforests, we experienced profound new sensations and explored new depths of understanding. Tour-guides, Qigong Master Qinyin and assistants John and Chimin, attuned our healing instruments and imbued us with gifts of power, compassion, and confidence. Our Qigong Master demonstrated these qualities as she led the day with a prayer session for victims of the Sept. 11 attack.
Through the course of special abilities I, energy signals from Quanyin Buddha, Medicine Buddha, and the Qinway Qigong system, guided us into deep meditation and assisted us in learning aura, palm, Yin-Yang Healing Tea, and 3rd eye diagnosis and such Qigong healing techniques as immortal grasp, medicine palm, and Buddhist palm. Qigong Students reported intense and highly varied adventures with each subsequent meditation and Qigong healing method.
After the 1st meditation of the day, Wendy noted: "The Tour of Heaven" exercised an incredible feeling of joy and connection with heaven and the universe!
Another woman expressed: I feel new, readily available energy coursing through me. During Qigong class, when I directed this energy at my insomniac practice partner, he felt soothed and restful for a change. I felt ecstatic!
The odyssey then shifted into warp drive and continued with special abilities II. We were astounded by even stronger sensations and even greater insights. Among the wealth of experience and information shared, the remote sensing, 3rd eye opening, visible and invisible medicine needles stood out in the crowd.
During the remote sensing Qigong exercise, I got immediate verification that what I was feeling in my right palm and stomach, corresponded exactly to the food poisoning distress Linda had lived through the night before. I learned how to interpret the palm as a map of the body, and then learned how to cleanse my energy field and that of another. David, an over 65 lawyer with an ever reasoning and questioning mind, had a similarly astounding experiences when he correctly diagnosed the lung problem of Sigrid, who he never met before. I was in awe.
People also reported vivid and life-changing 3rd eye openings: I felt light explosion in [my] 3rd eye when we looked at our spine and internal organs, I could see them (Sigrid). The deep experiences progressed with the gift of the needles. There were sounds of amazement when we noted the pleasurable feelings (only positive) of acupuncture we performed when using our invisible needles. Several days after the Qigong class, Joe remarked that by using the invisible needle on himself, he was able to reduce his pain enough to run and play basketball again.
This was a truly miraculous day. I left buzzing and overflowing with excitement and information. I have since discovered that if cultivated, the gifts and blessings only get deeper and more plentiful.These Qigong experiences were portals through which we tapped into and enriched our connection with Quanyin Buddha, Medicine Buddha, and the Qinway Qigong system. I am forever transformed by my link to this greatness. I feel alive, powerful, and replete with Qigong healing potentials. I am so incredibly grateful for this opportunity. I wish this experience on everyone.