Bigu FAQ

How Important Is Monthly Bigu for Your Health and Spiritual Channels?

This is the key to keep your universal energy channels open so that you won't get blockages, toxins or illness back again! In order to consolidate and stablize healing results, new students are strongly encouraged to do monthly Bigu 6-12 days for at least 1-2 years after attending Retreat.

Tranditional Daoist classics emphasize the following preconditons to achieve Bigu (i.e. open channels, and not just fasting).
(1) To have an energy ball (elixir, or "Dan") in the Lower Dantien;
(2) To eat wild food with special strong energy singnal (e.g. Energized Healing Food);
(3) The results from Bigu are totally different from just fasting. More Bigu Knowledge

How long is the energy life of bigu supplies?

108 days upon your receiving them. Please keep them refrigerated when you are not using them.

How frequent shall I submit bigu feedback form?

You may submit a feedback form one 10 days after retreat, in the middle of your planned bigu days, and about 10 days before you finish bigu. It is optional in between these dates.

About juice from stores, banana, avocado during bigu:

In the beginning of your bigu, they are ok. However, as your bigu gets deeper (especially after 108 days), they should be avoided. This comment applies to other fruits & vegetables that are too starchy or oily.





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