The Essence Product of Qinway Qigong Energized
Self Study Healing Kit
available for Certified Instructors

qigong videoGreat News! The essence product of Qinway Qigong - Self Study Healing Kit (right picture), an excellent long distance learning & healing tool, has finally been released after a major upgrade! It is now only available for karma-ready Qinway 72 hour Retreat students.

After Qinway students achieved and verified great results, many of them wish to become active Qigong instructors to teach Qinway Energy Recharge Qigong to their family members and friends.

As a necessary & excellent long distance learning tool, the use of this Energized Kit needs to satisfy certain karmic conditions. Currently, only Qinway 72 hour Retreat students have the ripe karma to order Self Study Healing Kits to help others, including re-sale to your students.

Retail value: $298/kit.

Instructor discount: 10% discount if you order 2 or more kits.

For more info about this Energized Kit, please visit "Self Study Healing Kit" webpage.


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