July 28, 2007, Saturday FREE Qigong
Seminar: 1pm - 2:30pm with Dr. John Chen Grandmaster Qinyin may also be present. Free Qigong Seminar: Qigong is an ancient Chinese health science that works with energy through movements and meditation. In this experiential workshop, you will gain a deep understanding of universal energy (Qi), major ways of detoxification, how to get into the Qigong state, preview the powerful Qinway Qigong system, and enjoy FREE sample Yin-Yang Healing Tea! Energy
Recharge Workshop: These highly effective Qigong exercises
represent the essence of the renowned Qinway Qigong. Regular practice
can significantly increase your energy level, heal chronic conditions
and boost a sense of wellbeing. You can quickly recharge yourself quickly
in a few minutes by practicing these simple high-power exercises!
You may attend either workshop or both. Pre-registration is required.
Please e-mail your name and phone number to 930@qinway.org
or call us at (808)255-7033. |